Chap. 4

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T'was the night before the wedding, and Mario was totally ready to put his diabolical plan into four-wheel drive (which was convenient, since he was using a mechanical dolly).

He got into a black suit, disguised Cappy as a black beanie, and grabbed the large, mechanical dolly that he just so happened to have in his bedroom. His plan was simple: sneak into the cave (where the wedding was taking place), grab the cake, put it on the dolly, and bring it back to his place so he could put it in the freezer where he also kept his dead bodies (the dead body in the freezer thing is just another rumor started by Bowser Jr., but Mario still loved him anyway, and if all went according to plan, he would be with Bowser Jr. soon enough). They grabbed what they needed and set forth towards the cave.

Cappy tried to talk him out of it. "This is not the way to handle this situation," Cappy would say, to which Mario would reply with, "Don't you tell me how to deal with my own personal problems."

No one else would be at the cave, so Mario figured he could just grab the cake, put it on the dolly, and just go, but this was easier said than done.

Grabbing the cake was easy; the hard part was getting that tall-as-anything cake on the dolly without dropping it and splattering it all over the place.

He managed to get it on the dolly in one piece, but it wasn't easy. It did wobble once or twice, but it didn't actually fall. He managed to get it out of the cave without it falling, but Mario was sweating blood the whole way.

When he finally got it home and shoved it in his freezer, he thought to himself, Mario, what if what you're doing is wrong?

Then, another thought pushed this thought away.

This new thought said, This whole wedding is wrong. I am simply making it not allowing it to happen! Soon, I'll be with Bowser again. I'll be with Bowser Jr. again...and no one will try to ruin it! If they try, it won't work out for them...

Mario then did an evil laugh, changed into his sleeping attire, and laid down on his bed. He and Cappy slept like drunk babies, having dreams about being with Bowser (and flying martinis).

Mario's marriageWhere stories live. Discover now