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I read the article that had just been published on my phone as I lay in bed, in the arms of Jughead.

"People of Riverdale, I have rid this town of the drug-dealing child killer and others like him. Now you must choose your fate. The next 48 hours will be a test. And I will be watching you very closely. Show me you are pure of heart, and my work ends. Continue to sin... and I will take up the sword again."

"Poetic." Jug commented. I put my phone down and immediately thought of what I could do. We both knew that The Black Hood didn't like me being in the Southside, but I wasn't about to go back to a home where I had been disowned. Jug had thought about contacting Keller, but that was quickly discarded when we realised how it would look. If I was being threatened and forced to leave the Southside, that only pointed more blame onto the Southside for the Black Hood killings. Neither Jughead or I believed this murderer was from this side of town.

"What if he comes after me, Jug?" I asked. I was lying on his shoulder as he had both arms wrapped around me, lay on his back. J never took his eyes off me as I watched the fan rotate above us.

"Hey, Thia, I'm never going to let anything happen to you." He said, pouring every ounce of seriousness into his voice in an attempt to calm me down.

"But what if he comes when you're not here? What if he uses you against me? What about when you..." Jug cut me off with a kiss. He turned my head towards him and kissed me, silencing all the questions and hypothetical scenarios that could happen. When J pulled away, he smiled down at me.

"You're cute when you're flustered," Before I could respond he held my face in his hands, "Cynthia Blossom, I will always be around to protect you, and I won't leave you alone unless I know you will be safe. I have seen almost every movie regarding kidnappings, so I'm sure that I can fight my way out," that caused a small giggle to escape my lips, and that meant Jug knew that his speech was working, "I'm never letting the Black Hood or any Ghoulie, Northsider, Southsider, anyone, hurt you or take my Princess away from me. You are going to have to put up with me for a very long time, Miss Blossom." I knew Jughead meant every single word he said to me. I always found that someone would say something inspiring or honest early in the morning or late at night. Perhaps it was just due to the lack of sleep, but it meant that I believed every word that Jug spoke to me.

Just as he leant over to connect our lips again, his phone rang. He answered, and I watched as he stood up quickly, his face a look of panic and shock. The next thing I knew, Jughead threw clothes at me, a red sports bra and black crop top, as well as black ripped jeans, and then was pulling me out the door to go to Pop's.

It wasn't until we got there and saw Penny Peabody sat in one of the booths that I knew this was truly serious. With a glare at the woman who called herself the 'Snake Charmer', we took the seat opposite her.

"I can't do this favour for you. If I have to pay for you helping my dad--"

"He needs more help. That's why I called. Fp got in a little accident with some Ghoulies in the prison showers the other day." Jug believed her immediately. I, on the other hand, didn't. Jason had taught me to gain proof from your enemies before believing them. If FP was injured then Jughead would have been informed. As that hadn't happened, I couldn't believe the information. But Jughead did.

"They messed up that pretty face of his." She told Jughead how the Ghoulies wanted payback for what happened at the street race. Mentally, I was applauding the woman, she had thought of every detail, worked out just what to say to get Jughead where she wanted him.

"I have $18 to my name." I heard Jug say, and I immediately informed him that we had my money that my parents had put in an account for years, they couldn't touch the money once it was in, and I knew all the account details to access it. Penny ignored me, though, offering the favour that Jughead owed her as a job, a drug delivery.

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