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liked by momohirai and 16,247 others6

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liked by momohirai and 16,247 others
6.sungjae had fun shooting for @redlight check them out!

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momohirai looking good, oppa! 😉
6.sungjae ^ thanks!

bbyerim unnie, look at your ex!! 👀 @queensootan_
6.sungjae ^ oh hi, joy and yeri! i didn't know you were back joy. did u change your account??
queensootan_ ^ i did change my account so your fans would stop harassing me... BUT LOOK AT THIS DUMB YERIM. DO I REALLY NEED TO MAKE ANOTHER ACCOUNT??
6.sungjae ^ 😂😂 sorry about the fans. let's meet tho! my treat. 🙃
bbyerim ^ i think u should be crying now @momohirai 😁😁


queensootan_: stop messaging me.

momohirai: oppa, why are u talking to her?? u should be talking to me.

an: woopsies

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