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joooooy! let's meet again. 🙃

when and where?
i don't have money now!!
i ordered clothes again. 😩😩 i'm broke!

don't worry. it's my treat. 👌🏻
u should have just asked me to buy it for you, sooyoungie. 😏

we've only been friends for a while, dude.
also, i'm not a gold digger.
i can afford for my own things!

i know, joy.
you're a freaking top model for gods sake. i bet you have as much money as i have in the bank. 💰 💰
why did you even leave your career in the states to go back here in korea?

i just missed my life here.
when i was in states, all i did was work work work work then more work!
here in korea, i have my friends who i could hang out with. i don't feel the pressure of being a "top" model.
i might have bad memories here but i'll always come back.
it's my home, v.

wow. you're actually a sensible person.
i'm SHOOKT 😱

why?? you thought i would fit in your type of girls to flirt with???
the pretty, sassy, and gullible type??
i know you're flirting with me, taehyung.

DAMN! was i too obvious?? i thought i was slick!
well, you aren't that type of girl...
which is why i would still go after you
i hope you don't mind? 🤷🏼‍♂️

keep trying, taehyung.
who knows what your charm would do to me??
i might flirt back. 😉😉

damn, joy.

an: i'm gonna make DM chapters now!! this would be fillers so meh. i would still post a lot of the actual ig posts. this is also a last minute decision so i hope that i won't regret this. HEHE

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