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liked by _wenwen and 26,927 othersqueensootan_ thank u for the ice cream date

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liked by _wenwen and 26,927 others
queensootan_ thank u for the ice cream date. it sure helped a lot.🍦🍦 also, shout out to @_namjoon!! i appreciate our photowalk date a lot!! i'm sorry for not posting a picture of us. i was too ugly in all of our photos. i was too puffy. 😤

ps: is it normal to look hot in casual clothes??
👤 d.suga

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d.suga you're welcome. stop thirsting over me joy!! ✋ HAHAHA
queensootan_ ^ as if u don't!!

_namjoon u looked cute, joy-ah! but u were too busy crying so end up soooo puffy. 😂😂
queensootan_ ^ i take my thank u back. 😡
_namjoon ^ i'm sorry!! i was joking. 😶😶😶

guccitae_ wow that was quick.
queensootan_ ^ wow. who are u to judge me? should have i flirted with him while i was with you?? so that we would be cheating on each other?
baechuuu ^ babe, he's not worthy of your attention.

_wenwen i will thank u personally for my successful date! ily!!



u believe the gossips more than me?

u didn't even try to explain!! u didn't contact me even after seeing that i saw her post.
u know how i feel about those things!!
i opened up to you. u know my past with sungjae and u said that u won't do it.

joy... i have my own problems, too.
i didn't think that a simple post by a friend would damage what we have.

u new she likes u!!
she's been harassing me online and in person
just like what momo did when i was still with sungjae!
u said you'll protect me.

my parents just separated.
and that's fucking why i didn't pay attention to jennie's post!!
i had to deal with my family's drama and i believe that this shit is much more important than trying to win u over when you're not even serious with me

i'm sorry for being a brat.
i didn't know i was giving you too much shit
i was just afraid that things with sungjae will repeat with you...
and i'm serious with u. that's why i was so scared.
i want things to work out between us so i got mad when i saw jennie's post.
i thought u left me for her

joy, i've had too much shit this week.
i just want to rest.
i missed u.
how do u think it made me feel to see that when i finally had the guts to contact u guys, u are already posting about another.

taehyung, suga has a girlfriend!!
well, he's courting her but 🤷🏻‍♀️
i'm sorry for not listening. i hope you won't get mad at me.

i'm also sorry for distancing myself
sorry for not communicating
i just... i was mad at everything...
and as much as i want to be mad, i just want to hold you in my arms right now.

where are you?

in my apartment.

i'll be there in 15.

take care, love.

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