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liked by baechuuu and 10,937 othersqueensootan_ commercial shoot with @6

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liked by baechuuu and 10,937 others
queensootan_ commercial shoot with @6.sungjae!! i'm sorry. this is the most decent picture we have. we were laughing too much.

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6.sungjae had fun catching up with you. i'm happy that we're friends again.

guccitae_ so is this why u didn't meet up with me? 😒
queensootan_ ^ it's for work, taetae. let's meet some other time. 😗

d.suga i have a new idea for our next shoot.

bbyerim love is sweeter the second time around?????
queensootan_ ^ idk what you're talking about. 🤭

baechuuu woooooow

momohirai bitch.


(red velvet 🐥🐢🐰🐻🐹)
bbyerim: omg, unnie! tell what happened on your shoot!

momohirai: i got him from you before. i could do it again. don't test me.

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