Just a Small Crush

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V's POV:

My weekend started like any other weekend, breakfast with the best girl in the whole world. This time she had made enough food for the whole apartment complex. There were enough eggs and bacon to last us a lifetime.

"Why so much food?" I asked in a sleepy voice. I had just woken up but it seemed that she had been up for hours. She was all dressed and done up already and was cooking her heart out. I was only in my basketball shorts and hadn't even brushed my teeth yet and it was already about 10:30.

"Well you know my brother, he eats like its the first time in years. And I'm not too sure about his girlfriend so I made a lot just in case. Are you gonna get ready they could be here any minute?"

I stared at her with wide eyes Did I really forget about her brother's visit? I even forgot he found a girl. Way to go Tae, you really fucked up this time! 

"Yeah, I was just about to get dressed. How long are they staying again?" I tried to be subtle about the fact that I had forgotten they were coming. But all I got was a disapproving look from Irene.

"You forget didn't you?" said Irene in a cold tone. She rolled her eyes and just told me to get. "Just go get ready, at least brush your teeth."

I walked into the bathroom and began brushing my teeth. Where has my mind been lately? I tried to think back to when I first had issues staying focused. It all started back in the gym a few days ago. There was this black haired guy that I had never seen before show up. Man, he was handsome. He looked pretty fit too. Oh god, what am I saying? These are just thoughts. Worst case scenario its just a small crush. I mean it's not the first I've had these feelings about a guy. Maybe I'm bi. But I cant be, the last time I had these thoughts about a guy I got my heart broken. I snapped back into reality after Irene banged on the door for me to get out.

"Does it really take 10 minutes to brush your teeth?" she yelled through the door jokingly. I quickly finished up and washed my face and styled my hair. 

Irene's POV:

After trying to get Taehyung out of the bathroom, I sat down on the couch. As Tae walked out of the bathroom, I turned around and saw just how damn beautiful he was. He was only in shorts so his toned stomach and body were out in the open. He was so fucking gorgeous.

"Irene, you're drooling." Tae joked. I hit his arm as he sat down next to me.

"No I'm not you dick!" he sat directly next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder and hugged his muscular arm. We flipped through a few channels before deciding to just watch a show on Netflix.

"You should get dressed, my brother just texted me that they are about 15 minutes," I said pushing him to get up after about half an hour watching our show.

"Uh, fiiiiine..." Tae said sarcastically 

"I'll be back out in a minute, just keep watching without me," he said struggling to get up.

"Ok, don't take too long. You always take forever to choose outfits." I said teasing and biting my lip

"Ah, but I always look damn good don't I?" he teased back biting his lip and combing his hands through his hair while making his model face. 


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"Ah, go get your sexy ass dressed." I kicked him towards our bedroom 


Tae's POV:

I finish getting ready in my oversized Gucci hoodie and some ripped black skinny jeans. I flop on the bed and scrolled through my phone. As I was scrolling through my Instagram a=my thoughts started to trail off into other things. I was thinking of that guy in the gym again. The way he just effortlessly was doing one pull up after another and I struggled to even lift a 20-pound weight. I kept scrolling through my feed and occasionally spacing out. The only thing I could think about was that orange haired, handsome, fit guy at the gym. It just a small crush i reasured myself.

Just a small crush


OK, the first official chapter is done. I think it pretty ok for now, but if you have any suggestions I'd be happy to hear them. I'm not sure what I want to write exactly but I have some ideas. So ya

Smoke grass and Eat ass



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