When We Were Younger

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Yoongi's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night with a blanket on me. I must have fallen asleep watching movies again. Every time I do, which has been a lot, Jimin puts a blanket on me and takes my bed. He's only been here for a couple days but he had tucked me in at least 4 times. I usually just let him have it and sleep on the couch but I had a long day and wanted my bed. And I'm gonna get it. I stumbled over to my room, turning off lights as I did. When I got into it, jimin was already sound asleep and curled up in a ball. 

"Minnie, scoot," I said in a high whisper trying to wake him. I started to shake him ever-so violently. Nothing. I sighed as I used all my might to scoot him over and laid down next to him. I faced the opposite direction form him since we haven't slept in the same bed for years. We did it all the time when we were in high school. We would spend almost every minute with each other in high school.  We were inseparable. That was until that fucker came and ruined everything. Jeon Jungkook came and stole my best friend, the person that I should have ended up with. But I guess Jimin got what he deserved for leaving me. Actually, he got way worse. He basically wasted 5 years of his life with that dumbass. And now he's just in place of hurt.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt arms wrap around me. He turned my head to see Jimin, still asleep but trying to hug me. I giggled and scooted closer to him. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was Jimin's warmth wrapped around my body.


Jimin's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining through the window. The morning light glistened over my eyes. I quickly closed them due to the pain of the sunlight. Damn it Yoongi, get some curtains I thought to myself. I went to turn around but found myself being tightly held by someone. I turned my head to find Yoongi, peacefully sleeping while pretty much hugging me to death. I tried to wiggle out if his grip so that I could get up but I then noticed that our legs were also intertwined. 

"You damn Koala," I laughed. I gave up on trying to be nice and just shoved him off. He groaned in response. He's still half asleep. I got up and got ready for the day. Or at least I put on a shirt.

"Yoongs, are you awake?" I said trying to wake Yoongi up."Hyung, I'm gonna make breakfast ok." I started to shake the bed. It was already about 10:30 and I wasn't really used to waking up so late. But I was tired from crying pretty much all night. Why can't  I just get over that dumbass? I thought to myself. After not getting a response from Yoongi I just decided to go and start breakfast. Maybe by the time, the smell of food gets to his room he'll wake up. I went out of the room and went to the kitchen.

Yoongi's POV:

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. It smelt great. I go to the bathroom and wash up. When I walk to the kitchen I'm greeted by JImin whos currently shoveling chocolate chip pancakes in his mouth.

"Hi HyUNg," he says through a mouth full of food. Syrup running down his chin.

"Ew Minnie, you're gonna choke on all that food," I say shielding my eyes from the see-food currently happening.

"Its okay, I don't have a gag reflex," JImin says wiggling his eyebrows. He then starts to choke on all the pancakes in his mouth. I just laugh and go to get him water.

"I was more worried about it blocking your airway," I laugh as I hand him the cup. He just continues to cough and drinks the water. I join him in eating and we just talk about random things.

"Hey hyung if you were a cake do you know what kind of cake you be?" JImin asks with a smirk on his face. Before I can even answer he's laughing and says,

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