Figuring It All Out

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This picture is the cutest shit on planet earth

Tae's POV:

As I walked through the door of Yoongi's childhood home, I could hear an argument between Yoongi and someone. I couldn't tell who it was based on voice alone but they sounded pretty upset. I continued to walk to Yoongi's room when suddenly the door burst open and a very pretty boy walked out. As he stormed by me, I couldn't help but notice his coffee brown eyes and the way they caught the light as he gave me a death stare.  I watched him walk all the way to the door before turning to Yoongi who was sitting on the windowsill crying. I immediately ran to comfort him.

"What happened hyung? Who was that?" I asked while rubbing Yoongi's back. He leaned his head on my shoulder as I pulled him in closer, wiping his tears. He looked up at me, with nothing but sadness and hurt in his eyes. 

" That was Jimin. He's my friend, my best friend. But know he's moving schools and towns just to chase after a guy. He's leaving without even thinking about how much his friends will miss him. How much I'll miss him,"  he said his voice shakey. You could tell he was insanely hurt by this handsome, mystery person. All I could do was comfort him. We sat there for what felt like hours just holding each other. Finally, he decided to break the silence.

"Thank you for being here. For staying with me, through everything." Yoongi now looked at me with eyes full or warmth and lust. He pulled me in by my shirt and kissed me. It didn't take long before I had given in and we were on his bed, still kissing. After years of Yoongi being my friend, it had been that year that I realized the intensity of my feelings towards him. I always knew we were close and that I loved him but, never like that. As I continued to melt into his kisses, he started to pull away. He pulled away and was breathing heavily, his lips swollen. As I went to lean into his soft now pink lips again, he moved further back. Instead of those warm lustful eyes or the sad hurt eyes, I saw eyes full of pity and regret.

"Whats wrong Yoongi?" I said sitting up and reaching out for his hand. Before I could grab it he pulled his hand away and stood up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring you into this," he said walking into his bathroom. Before he could close the door, I grabbed it and said 

"Its fine, I really don't mind," I said pulling him in by his jacket.

" Tae, please. I don't want you being used as a rebound for me. You mean too much to mean," he pretty much whispered as he closed the door.

"Just go, Tae," he said through the door " Tae just go, tae...

"TAE! It's your turn, draw a card!" Irene said snapping me back into reality.

"Oh uh sorry," I said trying to dismiss the fact that I had been zoning out for the nth time this one game

"You must be planning some killer strategy to win this Uno game," he said trying to lighten the mood. Irene's brother was a lot different than I thought he would be. He's a lot more... more than I thought. Irene described as more of a wimp but he was actually pretty fit. And I thought she said that he was gay. But instead, he showed up with a total smoke show of a girl.

" Ya, you're all going down!" I said going along with his joke. This caused a huge smile to appear on his face making him look like a bunny.

"You guys can talk all you want but me Ji-Eun are trying to play a game," Irene said as she completely screwed me over by putting down a + card

"What the hell!" I said pouting to Irene

"I plan to win babe," she said rubbing my back. I just pouted at her, making puppy dog eyes. She punched me in the and continued to organize the cards in her hand as she mumbled to herself, trying to plan how she will inevitably win. Before she had time to finish her plotting. It was her brother's turn now, and what he did ruin her whole plan. He had used a switch card and 4 making it a color she didn't have and, judging by her facial expression, giving her the worst hand possible.

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