Chapter 1

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Delilah's point of view

I slammed my hand on my alarm clock in attempt to shut it up. My face was burried into my pillow, as my Mum walked in,"Hun, it's noon, it's time to get up"

"It's the Summer, sleeping in until noon is like getting up at 7 a.m." I said burying my face again.

She walked over and turned on the telly, The woman on the screen began speaking,"Alright Teens get ready to scream, One Direction, the worlds most popular boy band are here in Holms Chapel, Cheshire! Home of 1/5 of the band, Harry Styles!"

I sprung up from my bed, staring wide eyed at the screen. I gave my smiling Mom the 'you've got to be kidding me' look as she rolled her eyes. 

See, After Harry had left, He made it onto X Factor. The minute he was put into the band he called me, he sounded so happy. We remained talking every once in a while. But after so long our conversation became nothing. I stopped getting calls, texts, video chats. After two years, I got the drift Harry was sending me and gave up on ever having my best friend back. Everytime something about Harry or his band came on the telly I'd shut it off immediatly, I knew nothing about them, and I planned on keeping it that way.

"De, Anne would love it if you guys saw eachother!" My Mum said attempting to convince me.

"Mum, I don't want to see him. He acted like I didn't exist, Like I just fell off the face of the earth."

"Well, Hun, you can't avoid the boy forever, I mean he does live right next door, and Anne will most likely have a welcoming home dinner for the lad."

I grabbed the remote and shut off the telly. My face planted back into the pillow and I screamed, but they were silenced by the pillow. My shift at Starsbucks started in two hours. My feet shuffled across the hard wood floor as I went to shower. 


Once I walked out to my car, I saw a black van parked out of Harry's house. My key was set in the Ignition but it wouldn't start. I got out and I kicked the side of the car. This car was rubbish, it had broken down on me atleast once a week. I popped open the hood and looked in seeing if the problem was noticable.

"Hey Delilah," I jumped at the familiar voice that crept behind me. Harry.

"Bloody Hell, you almost managed to scare piss out of me!" I snapped.

He chuckled,"You need help."

"I'm perfectly fine."

 He laughed but it soon faded. Why is he talking to me right now? He ended our friendship over a year ago by just plain out ignoring me, why would he make an effort? Just because he's back in town doesn't mean I'm going to run right back up to my 'best friend'.

"You're so stubborn" He said.

My jaw dropped, "I never asked for help in the first place." I snarled. 

"You know, I don't even know what I did wrong, I was just trying to hel-"

I broke out into a fit of laughter," You don't know what you did wrong? You've got to be kidding me." 

I walked back into my car and tried starting it up again, Miraculously it started and I backed out of my drive way. The cheshire boy, or whatever he was now, had a frown of anger or sadness plastered on his face, right where his cheeky grin used to be.


Starbucks wasn't the best place to work when you're pissed off, especially on fridays because it was swarmed with people of all hours. I still could not get over the fact that Harry had just walked over to me like he had not ignored me. 

"here's your coffee" I said slamming the cup down on the counter for the customer.

After a little the place had cleared out of most people, but there was still a couple people spread among the tables. Two boys, who looked about my age had walked in. One boy had blonde hair and the other with brown-ish. They walked up to the counter, "Hey, welcome to starbucks, can I get you anything?" I put on my best fake smile.

"You're number would be nice" The brown haired one said winking.

"Sorry, We only sell snacks and drinks here" I said giving them my teethy grin.

"Someone's playing hard to get" I heard the blonde one say in an Irish accent. He's obviously not from around here.

"I'm just here to get you guys something from the menu, now what do you guys want?"

"We'll have 2 plain coffees." They said with a smile.

The brown haired one went and took a seat, while the blonde haired one waited for their order.

"By the way I'm Niall" He said reaching for my hand, "That is if you don't already know me"

"If this is some kind of cheesy pick up line like that I may have met you in my dreams, it'd work better if you just hit on me, normally" I said laughing.

"That's not what I meant, but it'd be nice knowing a pretty girl like you's name" He flashed his crooked but cute smile.

"I'm Delilah" 

He nodded,"You have a pretty name, mind giving me your number now?"

I sighed and grabbed a napkin and wrote my number on it and handed it to the smiling boy.

"I'll text you" He said smiling before walking away to the table his friend was seated at.


"Mum I don't want to go, no, I refuse to go! Harry is a complete arse."

"C'mon De, Anne invited to family, which includes you, now get out of your uniform, you're going."

"Fine, but if he tries talking to me i'm ignoring him"

My mum walked out of my room mumbling something. I stood up and looked into the mirror. My mirror was surrounded by pictures of Harry and I. Some pictures of other friends and I also. I never took down the ones of me and harry. I guess I liked the memories we had, I just didn't like the new Harry, the one that decided to ignore me for two years. My closet was full of clothes, Mum was forcing me to go to this dinner. I grabbed my peachy pink cardigan and my dark blue jeans. I threw it on, then let my curly blonde hair fall down my back. Pleased with the way I looked I walked down the steps.

I slid on my black converse and headed for the door.

"Ready?" My mum said smiling.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I smiled sarcastically.

 *her outfit is the picture next to this.*

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