Chapter 8

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Delilah's point of view:

My alarm clock started blaring a familiar tune,"You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh, That's what makes you beautiful!"

I woke up and rubbed my eyes to see the time, it was ten in the morning, My back was leaned up against my wall. A smile made it's way across my face recalling the dance and memories last night. My phone vibrated with a text from Harry.

One New Text:

Morning Love, we had rehearsals this morning. But the boys want you to come over my house later and we're going to have a movie night.(: xx

I smiled to myself reading the text. My body begged me not to but I slipped out of bed and walked towards the living room. I turned the telly on and watched some shows, My eyes kept shooting for the piano, playing it the other day made me feel alive once again. I walked over and started to play another song.

"I can feel his breath as he's sleeping next to me,

Sharing pillows and cold feet

He can feel my heart, fell asleep to it's beat

Under blankets and warm sheets

If only I could be in that bed again, If only it were me instead of her,"

My fingers danced along the keys and my mouth opened to sing the next part but before I could someone beat me to it,

"Does he watch your favorite movies?

Does he hold you when you cry?

Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts, when you've seen it a million times?

Does he sing all your music, While you dance to purple rain?

Does he do all these things like I used to?"

I looked at Harry as he finished his line,"You really love creeping up on me, don't ya?"

He laughed,"Only because it's fun"

"So why are you here? I look like a mess."

"Oh hush, You look beautiful"

A blush crept to my cheeks,"Let me get ready, you can watch the telly." I said tossing him the remote.

I hopped in the shower. The water hitting my face felt relieving.

Harry's Point of view:

I flipped through the channels waiting for Delilah to get out. She always took long showers so I garuntee I'll be here for atleast an hour. It was starting to storm outside. After a few more minutes of flipping through channels there was a knock on the door.

I walk down the hallway leading to the door, I open it to see a boy about my age standing there.

"Hey," he looked up,"Is Delilah here?"

"She's in the shower," I started, I was confused,"May I ask who you are?"

"I could ask you the same thing, but I'm Drew." He said reaching out for my hand.

"Harry, not to sound rude, any reason you're here?"

"I wanted to talk to De, mind if I come in?"

"Yeah, come in."

We sat awkwardly on the couch. It was quiet, who is he? She never said anything about having a boyfriend? Yet again, I never asked her. But she kissed me, that means she doesn't. Unless of course she cheated. She'd nevre do that though.I think.

"Hey Harr-" She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Drew. Her eyes looked scared.

"Hey De," He said smiling at her.

Her eyes shot from me and back to him,"Hey Drew, what're you doing here?"

"I came here for you,obviously" He said bluntly.

"I can go, if you want me to?" I asked. 

She nodded,"Harry, I'll text you?"

I nodded and walked out the door. Who was he? 

Delilah's point of view;

"Drew, what the hell are you doing here?" I half yelled.

"What do you mean?" He smiled sweetly.

I sighed,"you know what I mean."

"I love you Delilah, I'm stupid, I shouldn't have broken up with you."

"You realize that now? C'mon did you really think I'd fall for this shit again," I said sighing into my hands," You cheated on me,"

"I know, but I realize I made the biggest mistake."

I laughed,"Well, I'm sorry but It's not going to work out."

He rested his head in his hands,"Please? one more chance?"

He looked at me with sincere eyes. I had started dating Drew when we met at the hospital. He was working a side job there. While I was there for my problems. He would come and talk to me every day. But we started arguing a lot after 6 months of dating. I was walking to his house to suprise him when I found him getting down and dirty with my best friend.

"Drew, I just don-" Before I could finish he had his lips pressed against mine. They were nothing like Harry's. They were sweet, gentle, loving. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in tighter.

I heard a cough from the door,"Erm, I just forgot my keys." He said snatching them off the table.

I saw pain and sadness flash by Harry's eyes as he stormed out of the house. I pushed Drew off of me," Please get out!" I yelled.

He stood up and I stood up after him, I started screaming in his face,"YOU RUIN EVERYTHING! GET THE HELL OUT!" His strong hand came across my face. He walked out leaving me with the pain in my cheek. I fell to the floor and let out sighs of pain.

Harry's point of view:

I can't believe I just saw her and Drew snogging on the couch. I guess I was wrong. I mean bloody hell, I guess people really do prove you wrong every single time. Relationships must mean nothing to her. My house was filled with laughter until they saw me storm in.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Liam asked being the Daddy Directioner he is.

"Nothing" I snapped and walked up to my room. I heard his footsteps following me.

"Now Harry," He started then sighed,"You're going to have to tell me."

"I guess I just got my hopes up." I said choking back a cry, Was I really about to cry over my best friend?

'What do you mean? Delilah doesn't like you?"

"She has a boyfriend for gods sake!" I yelled.

Liam looked at me in shock,"She has a boy friend? Why in the bloody hell did she kiss you then?"

I shrugged,"I guess people change."

My phone vibrated with a text from Delilah.

One New Message:

Harry, Look. I can explain, please.

I looked at my phone and anger flew through me.

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