Chapter 6 (😅)

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Rex's pov

So Jade want's to play hard to get huh? We'll see. I think, smirking as Jade walks away down the pier.
I breath out a heavy breath and begin my walk home already devising a game plan In my head to get Jade back.

I'm lying in my bed, it's 9:30 and I put down my game controller and pick up my phone deciding it's time to start messing with Jade...

Me: Hey ;)
I text waiting for her reply. Unsurprisingly she answers within the minuet

J: oh no what do you want 🙄

Me: uh rude! I just thought I'd check up on you if that's ok with you!?

J: yeh I guess it's fine. As long as you don't annoy me ;)

Me: oh so I'm annoying now? Or is that just a defence mechanism to stop your self thinking about me ;)

J: hah you wish I'm thinking about you! Dino boy ;)

Me: oh so you're not?

J: no

Me: then how come I have a nick name? ;)

J: I just thought it might annoy you

Me: well you failed! I think it's cute ;)

J: damn it!

Me: I'm thinking about you, you know...

J: what do you mean?

Me: I'm thinking about the other night, the way you looked, how you felt...

J: Rex stop

Me: why? It was sooooo good, don't you think?

J: ...

Me: well I think you felt amazing grinding down on me...I bet you'd love to do it again ;)

J: I have to go
She replied.

Right where I want her. I smiled


Jade's pov

I hade to put my phone down and calm my breathing. My heart was beating so hard in my chest and I couldn't ignore the pool beginning to form in my panties. Maybe staying away from him will be harder than I thought. 

I go to the bathroom to splash water on my face and change my panties. Sliding back into bed my heart rate has gone down but I can't help feeling the urge to pick up my phone and talk to Rex.
He makes me feel so sexy and I like it. But I know it's wrong and stupid and dangerous...
Just then my phone lights up. My stomach begins to churn when I see its from Rex

Dino boy: you can't just leave me hanging here J. What's your opinion on the subject? ;)

That bastard. He knows I can say it was bad but I can't give into him ether!

Me: I don't have an opinion on this one I think I'd rather play the devils advocate

Dino boy: your right you are a devil. A sexy, fiery, devil ;) 😈

Me: oh shut up!

Dino boy: no seriously are we in hell? Because the thought of you is setting me on fire ;)

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at Rex's cheesy pick up line

Me: that was terrible

Dino boy: ouch

Me: haha! well I need to go to sleep now so night x

I send and then my eyes automatically widen in horror, I just sent him a kiss! What will he think? I'm sending him mixed messages? Will he think I'm moving to fast? That I'm a crazy stalker girl!?

Then a message from Dino boy lights up my phone

Dino boy: night my little devil ;) X

Oh. That's wasn't so bad. But why does he make me feel this way!?


It's the evening of the next day and Rex has been sending me flirty texts all day. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. Or that I'm not flirting back...
but I've promised myself I won't let it get any further that that!

It's a hot night so I'm just in my matching black silk pyjama set (shorts and a floaty top). I sit up on my bed and rest my laptop on my legs as I open it and begin to resume the gossip girl episode I'm on.

I hear a ping from my bedside table and look to see it's Rex again

Dino boy: hey sexy, so what did you do today? ;)

I laugh to myself and reply

Me: nothing, just went shopping with some friends

Dino boy: oooo what did you get?

Me: clothes

Dino boy: what clothes

Me: just a few tops and skirts and...

My heart begins to quicken as I contemplate typing the next thing. But for whatever reason my better judgment goes out the window and I type


I wait nerveless next to my phone awaiting his reply. My phone pings again

Dino boy: bras hey? Can I see one ;)

He types and my pulse is raging I'm hot all over but a small smile forms on my lips. At this point I'm just running on hormones as I send back a picture of one of the bras I bought. It was red with lace at the top and a low neck line. Nothing had even happened but I was already beginning to feel the affect Rex's charm had on me

Dino boy: Whoh! Who you buying a bra like that for? not a boy I hope ;)

Me: haha no, it's just for me ;)

Dino boy: then you won't mind if I see you in it? ;)

I look at my phone screen as millions of questions and scenarios of how stupid this would be go through my head but, being the horny teenager that I am I slip off my bed, take off my top, proceed to put on the bra and go over to my mirror.

I take a picture of myself in the mirror that shows off my whole body, tanned and toned. You can see the bra and my short black sleep shorts. My hazelnut hair falls down my shoulders and my face is blocked by the flash of the phone. I look at the picture and have to admit I look pretty good.

As my finger hovers over the send button I think about how Rex makes me feel. When he tells me I'm sexy I believe him. He makes me feel more confident in my body even the parts that I don't particularly like. I know he's just a boy and I still don't really know him but I like how I feel when I'm with him. And my finger presses down on the button.

Dino boy:😍🔥🔥 damn J you look hot! God I wish you were here right now!

And as I look at his reply all I can think is...he's only 10 minuets away...

Rex's pov

I check my phone again to see if Jade has answered, but she has been silent for that last 10 minuets. I begin to wonder if it's my fault. If I pressured her into sending that picture and now she regrets it. I start to worry until I hear a knock at my window...


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