Chaper 10

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Jade's pov

Suddenly, what feels like, a bag Is put over my head. I can hear muffled voices but can't make anything out. My heart is pounding In my chest and my fight or flight mode kicks in. I immediately start thrashing about trying to get the arms that are now wrapped around me off, but then I feel a dull pain in my head. The pain get more intense and my eyes droop. Then everything goes pitch black.

6 hours before

Lorenzo Morgenstein's pov

I watch Beck exit my office and smile. I now know the perfect way that is sure to get me the money we want from the Elsworth's. I figure if his family is so important to him. Then how much would he be willing to pay for his daughters life? An evil smirk spreads it's self across my face as I breath out and put my hands behind my head, leaning back on my chair.

Present day

Jade's pov

My eyes slowly open like waking from a deep sleep. Except I have know idea where I am and it's pitch black. Strait away my heart starts going but I'm hesitant to call out into the darkness in fear of what, or who, might be lurking there. I'm now slowly becoming aware of the raging head ache I have, so much so, that my eye sockets hurt. Just as I think I've left it long enough and it may be safe to call out a blinding light is blasted directly at my face.

I try too look up but all I can see is white. The light hurts so I shut my eyes and try to turn away. It is at this point I become aware that my hands are in chained above my head and my body is handing a foot or two off the ground.

Then finally I hear a voice. It's deep and threatening. I hear his foot steps coming closer and my heart beat quickens "well aren't you a pretty little thing?" He sneers "Yes I can see why Rex likes you" at the mention of his name my eyes snap open and I try too see through the blinding light but all I can make out is a blurry figure. I hear him move close "now what am I going to do with you?" He says almost like a question to himself. I can tell he's only centimetres away from me. Suddenly I feel his finger on my chin and I flinch at the contact. He turns my face to examine it and I open my eyes to get a look at my kidnapper. I don't recognise him, he can only be a few years older than me, but he's wearing a t-shirt that exposes his rose tattoo. He's a Morgenstein.

"What do you want with me!" I demand trying not to sound scared. "W-why am I here?" I stammer. He simply looks at me and smirks

"Don't worry little one. I'll take good care of you" He says, caressing my face. "Diego is sure to pay up now but not before we send him a little video of exactly why he should comply to our demands." As he says this he strokes a finger over my bottom lip and I take this opportunity to bite his finger, hard. "Ow! You fucking bitch!" He shouts and slaps me hard across the face. I hiss in pain and water threatens my eyes. "Well if that's how you want to behave. We'll beguine." He says and slinks back into the light.

He lowers the power so I can finally make out my surroundings. It looks like an abounded warehouse. Typical. I look over to the boy and he seems to be setting up a tripod and fixing a phone to it. I hear the beep that lets me know he's started recording. He then turns to the camera and stands in front of me.

He starts spouting off all this shit about my dad and the Elsworth's trying to sound menacing until he says "I think you'll want this!" And dramatically steps aside to 'revel' me. I roll my eyes and say "wow who would've guessed?" Sarcastically which he didn't seem to like

"Right that's enough out of you slut!" And proceeds to gag me. He finishes tying the cloth and and turns back to me. He smirks cruelly and says in the most serious tone I've ever heard "I'm going to enjoy this" and punches me in my stomach harder than anything I've ever experienced. I try to wince over in pain as the wind is knocked out of me. I wheez and gag. Suddenly realising the seriousness of this situation.


I can't tell how long it's been, but it seems like hours. My nose has, now dry, blood dripping from it and my head is covered in cuts and bruises. So are my arms and chest. I've already thrown up twice and can hardly see anymore. My eyes are stinging with tears and my throat is burning from screaming and crying. The boy goes over to the phone and stops recording. And just when I think it's over I hear him hit record again. I summon all my strength to lift my head. My whole body is week, but especially my eye lids that threaten to shut, maybe forever, any minute. I watch the guy walk back into the center of the room and then utters six words that makes my blood turn cold. "Rex. This one is for you"
All that is heard for the next 30 minuets is screaming and cry's to "stop!" and "get off me!" But no one heard.

When he's finally finished my will to keep fighting is gone and I quickly fall into a painful sleep.
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