Chapter 13

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Jade's pov

I abruptly wake up as if you would, had you had a bad dream. Except this nightmare was all to real. My eyes are dry and sting from tears, I let them adjust before I look through the darkness in front of me desperate to see anything. All the windows are boarded up but there is a single crack of light shining through from the moon. I look up at the ray and mouth a weak 'thank you' before trying to make something, anyinthing, out.

The longer I look the more I see.
I can make out four thin legs, looking to belong to a chair or stool. I follow the legs up and can make out a figure on the chair. The silohett isn't clear but I know who it is. "Rex! Rex!" I cry, but nothing. He doesn't move. I start to panic and go dead silent just sitting in the darkness listening for his breathing, or something to let me know he's okay.

After a minuet I still hear nothing and I begin to silently sob into the blackness, overwhelm with emotions and pain. Then, I hear a quiet voice
I stop crying in a second and wait to hear it again so I know I'm not imagining it. And there it is again, the voice that could calm me down even if my leg was being cut off,


"Rex?" I whisper, the tiers already falling from the eyes

"Jade" his gruff voice answers quietly

"Oh my God Rex!" I cry into the darkness

"Oh Jade!" He shouts back crying too "I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry!"

"It's okay! It's okay!" I reply crying "I'm fine Rex! Now you're hear." But I said that a little too soon because all of a sudden light blinds us both and I shut my eyes tight. When they open again the man Is back and standing behind Rex's chair. I tense up and my heart thumps in my chest. I can't breathe and I feel like the walls are getting smaller.

"Now, now that's enough shouting..." The man tuts calmly, walking over to me. He places two fingers on my chin and brings my thin, pail, face to his. I hear Rex fight agains his chains and he screams

"Let go of her! Let go of her God damn it! I swear if you lay a single finger on her..." but he is silenced by a punch to the stomach which has him gagging. I scream


"Right! If you both don't shut the fuck up then I'll kill you both right here!" The man demands and we both silence "now. We both know I've had my fun with you but what am I going to do now we have an audience?" He questions, circling me. As he gets to my face again me brings his lip inches away from mine and smirks

"Fuck you" I spit and he immediately slaps me hard around the face. Rex shouts

"Get the fuck off her!" And the man swings around in and Instant and pulls a gun from his pocket on Rex. Pointing it at his head

"I'm being serious Rex! What did I say? Now Lorenzo won't be happy if I kill his son but I don't suppose he would mind if I killed her?..." he taunts at Rex turning and pointing the gun at my head, making Rex's muscles flex and teeth grit. "Now. Are you going to be quiet? Or are you going to watch you're bitch die?" Rex stays silent but I can see the hate in his eyes "Good!" The man smiles

He puts the gun away and strides over to me. I try to keep a strong face but inside I'm falling apart. With one last smile the man begins to use my body as a punching bag from top to bottom for about 20 minuets. With each punch I can see Rex's body flinch, as if it's happening to him, and a tear rolls down his face. When he's done he continues to grind his pelvis into mine with such a force that I know it will bruise. He gropes me and and kisses my neck and chest leaving marks as my vision begins to blur.

Just as I start to believe I'm slipping back into my pain coma ice cold water is thrown over me to wake me up. I hang there breathing heavy, having almost had a heart attack, and look over to Rex who looks as if he just found out he only has a week to live. I can only see saddens and pain in his eyes, there is no more trace of his sarcasm or charm. He is well and truly broken. To make matters worse I realise I've only been woken up to witness the torture off my love.

I stare as Rex goes through hours of pain and suffering in an all manner of ways; punching, pulling, shocking, cutting. It seems like it will never end. The treats in my eyes won't stop and it feels like I haven't blinked in years. I'm also hooked up to a machine so that every time I close my eyes to try and escape this nightmare Rex is forced to give me and electric shock. My throat is past dry and I can feel my body trying to eat itself as a last resort for nourishment. I take in Rex's face one last time as I feel myself slip away back into the pain land. But this time not knowing weather I'll ever wake up.
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