Chapter 17

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Rex's pov

"Jade!" I shout desperately as I watch her close the door. I clench my fists in frustration and anger and let out yell "fuck!" As I bang my hand on the table. I look over to the closed door and shake my head in disbelief. There's now way she can just leave me! I run, opening the door and desperately looking down the corridor to see if I can still see her. She must have run because she's know where to be seen. I sprint down the halls. I can't loose her again! I think as tears well in my eyes.
I slam open the door to the apartment building and just as I run outside I see her car turn the corner down the road "shit! Jade! Jade!" I yell, knowing it's no use. I turn to the wall and punch it hard. It hurt like a bitch but I can't even feel it right now. I'm so angry at myself, I made this happen! I drove her away! It's all my fault!
My nostrils flair as I continue punching and hitting the brick wall. My hand is all cut up and I start leaving blood marks on the bricks. Tears starts to fall and I carry on punching the wall untill I become to weak, and sink to the ground with my head in my hands, and cry.


Jade's pov

It's been a bout a month and I haven't heard anything about, or from Rex at all. Part of me wants to be worried but the other part knows I can't be, otherwise I'll start to spiral again.

The first weak after the breakup I didn't leave the house, or even my rooms for that matter. I became dangeroulfy thin because I hardly ate, I just didn't have an appetite for it. And I've probably cried enough tears to fill 10 swimming pools.
All my friends know I've 'broken up with my boyfriend' but what they don't now is that boy is Rex. But through all that, the one person that really got me back on my feet, was Pete.

One day he heard I was having a really bad time dealing with it and he just appiered at my door wanting to help. And he did, he really did. He taught me to channel my feelimging into something positive like excersise, so I gained all my miscle back and became healthy again. Over this past month we've spent a lot time together, and now I can really open up to him. Plus he so sweet and charming.
So....when he asked me if I wanted to grab a drink tonight.....I kinda said yes......
Now I know, I know, it's only been a month, but I'm in such a great state of mind right now, and he's really helped me, I think he deserves this much. Plus It can distract me from all the thoughts I'm having about, 'that person', again.

I'm straightening my hair for tonight, but letting it flow free. I've applied some light shimmery makeup and I'm wearing a light pink, crushed velvet, slip dress. With a white top underneath, accompanied by some black tights and boots.

I smooths down my dress, grab my clutch and head out to my car. I get in the front seat and glance down at the wheel. I stop for a moment as I look at the scratch in the leather that my ring made the day I broke up with 'him'. I remember crying and hitting that spot on the wheel. I remember speeding home and collapsing at the door step in an exhausted heap. I remember the guilt that raked my mind and the amount of relapses I almost had. But then I also remember the late nights I'd spend with Pete, just driving abound in this car. I remember laughing with him and the time we went for pizza but it was closed so we ended up eating gross kabab's on the side walk. I shake the memory from my head and blink away a tear, laughing softly. I start the engine and drive


The date actually went really well. We had a nice meal, in a nice restraint, with some nice conversation, although he did bring up 'my ex' a few times, and each time I noticed this weird look in his eyes like he really wanted my answer, but I think he's just being caring. We laughed a lot, which I liked, and after he walked me back to my car and kissed me on the cheek before I got In. He was a perfect gentleman. But there's still something not right. He's not Rex.

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