Chapter 17 (What the heart wants)

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I woke up to the smell of a fresh sea breeze.

I opened my eyes and I was back in my cabin.

I was confused but then I realized Leo must have carried me back here last night after I had fallen asleep.


A smile appeared on my face.

I should probably look up what Te amo and Cásate conmigo mean.

I pulled out my phone an went to google translate.

I know it probably wouldn't be the most accurate but I just wanted a ruff estimate.

I searched Te amo first and found the result.

I was frankly shocked.

Leo had said he loved me.

I then scurried to search Cásarta conmigo.

Wow he better be joking about marriage.

I couldn't help but let a smile creep up to my face.

It was cute how Leo admitted his feelings in Spanish.

I texted him right away.

'Hey are you going to breakfast?'

I got a reply about 5 second laters

'Yeah, Why?'

I took a deep breath and texted him back.

'Wanna sit with me and Percy?'

I got a reply back almost instantly.

'YES! I mean sure'

I laughed at his reply and got ready for the day.


After I was done getting ready I headed out the door.

Percy and I had let each other be this morning so I didn't have to worry about getting him up.

I made my way down to breakfast and sat down at the table.

Leo hasn't arrived yet so I decided to get some food.

When I came to sit down at the table an unexpected guest was already at my seat.

"Good morning Elise" Nico said plainly.

"Good morning Nico" I said in the same monotone voice.

I sat down on the opposite edge of the same side Nico was on and tried to focus on anything but him.

I looked around and spotted Leo.

I stood up and got his attention.

The second he saw me his signature grin filled his face.

Although when he started to come closer he laid eyes on Nico.

His smile was knocked off his face in an instant.

He gave me a confused look.

I have him my best 'I have no idea why he's here, help!' Look.

He nodded and continued his way over.

"Hey guys!" Leo said plastering a grin on his face.

" What're you doing here Valdez" Nico said cooly.

" I could ask you the same Di Angelo" Leo said taking a seat next to me.

"I always sit here, where as you don't" Nico said confidently.

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