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If it wasn't already hard to tear his attention away from Eddie, it's fucking impossible now.

It's bad enough when Richie wakes up to Eddie's alarm ringing, groaning at the loud, annoying sound as Eddie groggily reaches out to his nightstand to shut it off, and he's got an arm around Eddie's waist, clutching him close to his chest, and he can't bring himself to let go. When he opens his eyes, and he sees Eddie's hair all mussed up, one arm thrown up and over his head, his chest rising and falling, he's not sure how to even get up and get going, because all he wants is to stay right there, and keep watching every little twitch of Eddie's nose, every flutter his eyelashes make. When Eddie is awake and getting dressed, Richie wants to ask if he's okay, if he wants to ditch school and just play video games all day, maybe take off and go do something again- but he already knows Eddie will refuse. He's far too responsible. Richie has to settle for a muttered, "You okay?" when Eddie comes back from the bathroom smelling of mint and something citrus-y.

"Yeah," Eddie replies, the hint of a smile on his lips as he pulls a hooded sweater over his head and grabs a scarf, some gloves, and then finally his backpack. "Let's go."

At school it's even worse. When they're surrounded by their friends before the bell for first period rings, all Richie can do is keep his eyes on Eddie, watching for any little droop in his smile, or distant look in his eyes- something that will clue him in to what he's thinking or feeling. There's nothing to signal that he's anything other than content, or at least not upset at the moment, so they all go their separate ways, and Richie worries through most of his classes, not paying much attention, even getting scolded a few times when his fidgeting gets especially bad. He can't sit still through Government, which he has with Stan, his leg bouncing up and down, eager for the fucking bell to ring so he can get to lunch and make sure that Eddie is fine. At one point he gets so bad that Stan scoots his desk over, and places his wide, settling palm on Richie's knee, giving him a look that says- fucking stop and talk to me after class.

Richie relaxes a little bit after that, but he doesn't tell Stan anything when the bell rings, he just goes straight to the cafeteria, catching Eddie as he's standing in a long, ridiculous line for whatever slop is being served that day. He comes up behind him, wrapping his arms around Eddie's shoulders, ignoring the looks he's getting from some of his peers. Fuck them- they don't know what the hell is going on. He can tell Eddie appreciates it, by the sigh he exhales and the way his body sags back into him.

When they sit down at their designated table, in their usual seats, Richie sits as close as he possibly can to Eddie, practically draping himself all over his side as Eddie slowly chews on his poor excuse of a lunch- some mashed potatoes and chicken abomination. Mike is talking about the strays he and Stan are taking care of, and how Bev has officially taken them in, and he can't possibly love her any more.

"Seriously, babe," Mike says, putting his arm over her shoulders and kissing her hair. "I know it all depended on your aunt saying yes, but I love you for even wanting to take them in."

Stan nods. "Yeah. I wanted to take Dr. Frank-N-Furter, but my dad said he can't deal with all the hair. Very selfish, I think."

Eddie smiles, adding that he would have taken them in, too, if he didn't have to deal with his mom, and Richie marvels at how giving, and selfless, and kind Eddie is. He's got every reason to think of only himself, and worry about Sam, and being alone in the house (before Richie invited himself to stay over, that is) yet he's worried about a couple stray dogs, too? There's no way that Eddie is even real.

"On a fun note," Bev says, interrupting Richie's thoughts and blushing as Mike tries to catch her in a kiss. She giggles and shoves his face away, saying, "So we have Wednesday off, right? I wanted to have an anti-Thanksgiving party. Like on... Tuesday."

𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄, 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄 / 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now