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It's raining all day again on Sunday.

Eddie doesn't say much to Richie when he gets up. It's not that he doesn't want to, he's just still shaken up about last night. His mom is coming back today, and he's scared to go back home, regardless if she's in the house with him or not. There's probably no way he's ever going to feel safe there again, but he just wishes he knew exactly how Sam is getting in.

It's pretty quiet throughout the day, and Eddie makes an effort to keep his mind off Sam and everything else. Richie's dad makes some amazing sandwiches for lunch, and asks Eddie how things are going, if he's decided what to do after graduation, what he wants to study. He really likes Mr. Tozier; he's always in a good mood, always playing off Richie's dumbass jokes, and Eddie actually gets to witness Richie learn how to make a "killer king sub".

In Richie's bedroom, Eddie lets Richie kiss him softly, spread him out on his back and run his hands over his clothed body. It's gentle, and he feels comfortably warm, and cared for, and though he really, really wants to do more of what they did last night, he doesn't let things get carried away. Surprisingly, Richie seems content to put his head in Eddie's lap and play video games that way, humming as Eddie drags his fingers through his hair, sighing each time Eddie scratches at his scalp. The bubble of affection in his chest rises again, and as he stares down at this messy, kind, beautiful boy, smiling stupidly when he snorts and swears at something on the TV screen, Eddie wonders, not for the first, if he's in love.

Around four he decides it's a good time to go back, and gets his stuff together slowly. Richie carries his bag out to the car for him, and holds his hand on the drive back. His mother shouldn't be home for a while still, so he'll have some time to make sure everything is clean and somewhat orderly, even though he doesn't really care to.

They turn down his street and get closer to the house, and when Eddie sees his mom's car already in the driveway, he immediately has a bad feeling about it. It's not like she's never come home earlier than planned, but they left so quick last night that he's pretty sure he missed something in the house- and he's going to get blamed if anything is broken or out of place.

They pull up to the curb, and Eddie doesn't get out right away. He sits, staring at the front door, willing to give almost anything to not have to stay here another night. His thoughts must show on his face, because Richie brings his hand up to his mouth, kisses his knuckles softly, and says, "You don't have to stay here, you know."

Eddie does; he's got nowhere else to go. "It... it'll be fine. I'll just keep to myself."

"You can stay with me."

"Come on, Richie..."

"No, I'm serious," Richie says, turning to face Eddie a little more. "If it's just for a few days, just to get away, that's fine. But, if it's longer," he pauses, glances away, and finishes with, "then that's okay, too."

There's no way he's hearing this correctly. "Wait, are you- are you offering to let me... live with you?"

Richie nods. "We're graduating soon, anyway. It wouldn't be for very long."

Eddie isn't sure what to say- he needs time to think about it. He'll probably say no, no matter how much he wants to accept. "Let's not jump to that, okay?"

Richie gives him a grim look, but he doesn't say anything more about it. They get out of the car, and Eddie knows Richie is going to follow him inside, because he's going to check the whole house, whether his mom is there or not. As he unlocks the door and pushes it open, he's glad to have Richie by his side. The kitchen light is on, and he sees his mom seated at the table, a spot she rarely, if ever, occupies.

𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄, 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄 / 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔Where stories live. Discover now