High on Wonderland

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        Something I hadn't really appreciated about Wonderland until I'd spent several months here, though time has become rather fluid and meaningless, is that the temperament is always ideal. I say temperament because Wonderland has a mind of her own; should you upset her, you'll find yourself midst a raging, poisonous storm. Something I have also taken note of, is that her 'temperament' is always in step to please the queen. 


        I get out of bed and stretch, my silken nightdress riding farther up than could ever be considered modest. Alas, this is Wonderland. A mischievous smirk graces my lips as I walk to the great window, leaning out with my hands placed firmly on the rough stone. Always pleasing, a warm wind hits my face and pulls at my hair, intoxicating and alluring. The early morning sky looks like a storm, though I know it won't. Eerie, magnificent colors are cast down and I'm engulfed with a drowsy euphoria. 

        "Beautiful, isn't it luv?" 

        Nearly as intoxicating as the scene before me is the voice that startles me into focus.

        "Morpheus," I chastise slowly, turning to lean my back against the wall, "don't you know it's impolite to enter a lady's room without knocking?"

        "It's far more than impolite," he chuckles darkly, "but you've never complained." 

        I rest my gaze intensely on his for a moment, but the simple fact of the matter is...I can't hold it. I break into a childish grin before he can say another word. I love it when he's like this; the same enticing demeanor that barely hides the lightness inside him. I surely won't waste his mood.

        I take long, playful strides until I'm standing nose to his chest; and then I lean into him, draping my arms lazily over his shoulders and locking my hands together so that he has to support my weight. A lovely puff of licorice and smoke swirls invisibly around him; I stretch up to my tip-toes and bury my nose into his neck.

        Perhaps I'm a bit high off of Wonderland. 

        Morpheus is surprised by my actions, and stiffens when my lips touch the sensitive skin behind his ear. He snatches my hands and spins me away from him; in my dizziness, I fail to catch him again before he's enveloped in his own wings. 

        A giggle escapes me before I can contain it, and I skip to his side and attempt to pry the leathery surfaces away from each other. The only reaction I get is a slight twitch; he's no more aware of me than a lamp is of a moth.

        Haha. Moth.

        With an unbecoming pout that I'd like to consider adorable, I leave Morpheus alone to dig through my wardrobe. I choose a knee-length red dress, covered in black lace and sparkles fit for a netherling. I hold it up to myself before peeking at my favorite netherling, still encased in himself. Nothing unusual, really. 

        "I'm changing now. Don't look." 

        And without checking if he really wasn't looking; honestly, I wasn't sure if I minded, I slipped the silk off my body and stepped into the sturdier material that would suit me just fine for running through Wonderland. I was pleased that the strapless dress was held up perfectly by my assets; it allowed my wings to stretch and move freely. 

        When I looked up again, Morpheus was watching me; his earlier playful mood was gone; though, maybe it had never been there to begin with. I was coming down from a Wonderland high, after all. He wasn't broody, though. Just...conflicted. 

        It had been months, or days, or weeks, or hours--who knew? It had been an indistinguishable period of time since I had made my decision I wasn't going to be with Jeb. I wasn't as heartbroken over it as I had thought I would be. However, I had never said anything about staying with Morpheus, either. Not officially, no promises made. I wanted to enjoy my new world--now how many people could say that?--and enjoy it I had.

        Maybe it was time I revisited feelings that I had once been forced to hide. 

        I plopped down next to him in a very me-like fashion; he looked startled that my leg was against his, my wings overlapping his, my hand inches from his.

        "Alyssa," he breathed my name less than confidently. And for a split second, I was terrified I had lost him.

        That was the moment I decided that I would never, ever be able to tolerate any Wonderland without him in it. 

        "I want to go someplace secret," I decided warily, watching his expressions change, watching his jewels flicker. "Someplace maybe only you know about."

        "And what makes you think that I know Wonderland's secret's, luv?" 

        I contained a sigh of relief; there was his smirk, the teasing note in his voice. He had meant it completely, and I felt ill to have wasted so much of this immeasurable time ignoring it; he was loyal to me alone. 

        "Because you are one of Wonderland's secrets," I smiled at him, biting my lip and tapping his nose with my index finger. Then, before he could do something clever, I darted towards the window and climbed up onto the sill, laughing as I let myself fall backwards and spread my wings. 

Alyssa x MorpheusWhere stories live. Discover now