Chapter 3

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        I slump down into a random seat on my bus and put my earbuds in my ears. I can’t stop thinking about Dan and Wayne and how they were so nice to me, unlike everyone else. I don’t really have real friends. I only have two true friends, Kaitlin and Ryan, and everyone else just ignores me and treats me like garbage. Katlin isn’t popular, obviously, because she hangs out with me but she never seemed to mind. Sometimes, we’re glad that we aren’t popular. The popular kids are always so annoying and bratty. They are always worrying about if they look good and always talking about the latest drama. Living a life like hat would bore me to death. Anyway, Kaitlin and I have been best friends ever since we met in kindergarten. She moved in 2nd grade, and now we live within three blocks of each other. Ryan also lives by us. Some people like to call him ‘Wolf,’ I don’t even know why, I think it’s weird. He’s a nice guy, he’s friends with some popular kids but he’s not popular, and if you ever needed anything he would be there for you. All three of us are on the same bus, but I’m the only one who took the bus, today though, so I am alone. I feel a book hit my head and immediately snap out of my daydream and look up.

        “Oh god,” I thought to myself, “Why can’t the popular kids leave me alone?” It was Madison, standing above me, the girl in charge of the whole school, and of course she has to be on my bus and she hates me. Not only that, but she is also in my English class. “What a great way to start my weekend,” I thought. I turned back to face the window and tried to ignore her. She hit me with her book again, I didn’t move.

        Suddenly, she ripped out my earbuds. “Don’t ignore me, you little brat! I saw the way you were looking at the new kid today in class. You’re never going to get a boyfriend, like everyone else, so you should just stop trying. It’s embarrassing just watching you.” All I wanted to do at that moment was get up and slam her into the wall. 

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