Chapter 1 MoonWave

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MoonWave POV


My name is MoonWave.

I have blue, purple, and black paint with galaxy optics.

I have blue, purple, and black paint with galaxy optics

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I'm a mutated Predacon.

I'm able to transform into a Predacon that can stand and walked in two legs. I'm also able to breathe fire and ice.

When I'm in my beast mode, my primary paint changes to blue and black with yellow but my eyes stay the same.

When I'm in my beast mode, my primary paint changes to blue and black with yellow but my eyes stay the same

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The only reason why I'm a mutated Predacon is that I was born with an unknown disease. This disease was killing me. It was a matter of time for me to die.

My Sire's, Shockwave. Who's a scientist and works for the Decepticons. He saved me.

He injected me with a strange yellow liquid. I was able to live but with a price.

That yellow liquid turned me into a mutated Predacon.

The yellow liquid was a mixture of an experiment from my Sire and Predacon CNA.


"MoonWave, I need your help" I heard my Sire called.

I immediately put my data-pad down. I stood up and walk over to him.

"What's wrong, Sire?" I asked.

"The monitors detected a massive surge of unidentified energy" Sire replied.

"Where?" I asked.

"At the end of the sea rust" Sire replied.

"Do you want me to check it out?" I asked.

"Yes, but I'm coming with you" Sire replied. I nodded.

We left my Sire's laboratory to check this unidentified energy. My Sire traveled on the ground on his Cybertronian alt-mode. I traveled on my beast mode on the air.

The closer and closer we got to the end of the sea of rust. My nostrils smell alive Cybertronians.

'That's impossible' I thought.

The Mutated Predacon (Wheeljack X Mutated Predacon)Where stories live. Discover now