Chapter 9 Sick + Predaking

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MoonWave POV

I was sitting down on Wheeljack’s lap with his arms wrapped around my body to keep me as close as possible to him

“MoonWave” I heard him called. I replied with an “mm”.

“Now can you tell me what really happened with your thigh?” Wheeljack asked.

I bit my lip. I looked back at him and I don’t know why, but something in those beautiful blue electric optics made my galaxy optics water. I ended up hugging him and crying on his chest. 

“MoonWave? What happened?” he whispered in my audio receptor. 

“M… Megatron… He… He… He’s been abusing me” I said.

“What?!” he asked, more like yelled.

I could feel Wheeljack shake in anger.

“Does your Sire know about this?” he asked. I shook my helm.

“N… No” I replied.

“Why haven’t you tell him?” he asked.

“How will that help?” I asked.

“It might” Wheeljack said.

“It won’t because he’s our Leader and we can’t stop him” I said. 

 I heard Wheeljack loudly sigh.

“MoonWave, look at me” Wheeljack ordered. I looked up.

“I want you to tell me everything” Wheeljack said.

So, I told him everything. When I was done, he looked furious. He looked ready to kill Megatron.

“What could I do, Wheeljack?” I asked.

“If I say ‘no’, I know he won't hesitate in killing me and if I say ‘yes’, I will be forced to be with someone that I don't love” I said.

“I don’t know, MoonWave” Wheeljack replied.

“I promise that we will figure this out, but for right now, try not to get on his bad side as much as possible” Wheeljack said.

“Okay. Thank you, Wheeljack" I said, kissing him one more time. He kissed me back and we ended up having a small make-out session with each other. 


It’s been two weeks since I last saw Wheeljack. It’s not that I’m avoiding him or he’s avoiding me. It’s just that we have been really busy with work lately. 

I have been going out to so many predacon bone hunts that I lost count of how many predacon clones my Sire is making. 

Right now I’m in my Sire’s off-site laboratory. I was watching him work while I lean on a nearby wall for support. 

Oh, I completely forgot to tell you that for the past month I have been feeling kinda nauseous lately. 

Whenever I go on missions I will feel dizzy or like throwing up my Energon meal. I don’t really know what’s wrong with me. I decided to go with Knockout today and ask him.

“MoonWave” I heard my name being called by my Sire.

“Mm?” I asked.

“It’s something wrong my dear?” he asked.

“Why do you ask?” I asked.

“I been calling your name but you didn’t answer right away for the last ten minutes” he replied.

“I’m sorry sire but I been feeling ill lately” I replied.

“Mmm… do you know what's causing you to feel like this?” he asked.

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