Chapter 15 The Birth Of The Sparklings

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MoonWave POV

~Months Later~

It has been some months since Ratchet was taken away from us. Here I am at the peak of my pregnancy. The sparklings could come any day now. Wheeljack was so worried because we still didn't have a doctor to help us deliver the sparklings meaning that if the sparklings decided to come out then someone else was going to need to help us out with the delivery. I had a pretty good idea of how this was going to happen and the thought just terrified me.

We were all outside getting ready to release the decoy that was now ready after so many failed attempts.

"You're sure we don't need to install a GPS on our scout here?" Agent Fowler.

"It's too risky" I replied.

"Both sides are getting really good at figuring out that kind of trick" Wheeljack said.

"Besides we don't need a tracker..." Smokescreen began.

"We have Optimus" Raf finished. Smokescreen nodded.

We all then moved to the side to give Optimus space to walk forward. We all then said our farewells before watching both take off into the sky.

'Good luck' I thought.

Just then an unbearable pain shot through my stomach. I hunched down in pain with small tears visible on my optics. Wheeljack immediately noticed.

"MoonWave! What's wrong?" he asked.

"Ah... I think... I think it's time" I said.

"Huh? Time? Time for what?" he asked.

"It's time, the sparklings are coming!" I yelled.

"WHAT!" I heard everyone yelled.

"No, No, No, No, No! It can't be time, Sweetspark" Wheeljack replied.

"Ratchet's not here" Wheeljack added.

I raised my helm and you could tell that he was having a panic attack just like the others that didn't know what to do.

"Grr... doctor or not, I need someone to help me deliver the sparklings... NOW!" I said. I yelled the last part.

I leaned on the wall for support while growling in pain.

"I will do it" I heard someone said.

I looked up and saw Arcee with her servo up. I nodded. Wheeljack immediately picked me up and carried me to the medical berth. Arcee right behind us. The others decided to leave.

"Okay, MoonWave" Arcee began.

I watched Wheeljack immediately stand next to me, holding my servo.

"Are you ready?" Arcee asked.

I nodded then waves of pain hit me making me scream in pain and immediately tighten my grip on Wheeljack's servo. I began to push. I could hear Arcee count and every time she said zero I will push.

"C'mon, MoonWave! I see the helm!" Arce yelled before pushing a couple of times. I then heard the wail of the first sparkling.

I relaxed but only for a moment because I knew that I needed to start pushing again in a second.

"It's a mech" Arcee said.

She then handed the sparkling to Wheeljack. I watched him looked down at him with such joy and love on his optics. I smiled.

"Okay, MoonWave... time for the next one" Arcee said. I nodded.

I then began to push again but this time I pushed only a couple of times before hearing the wail of the second sparkling.

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