Chapter 10 SURPRISE

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MoonWave POV

It has been a whole month and a half since project predacon been eradicated. 

It has also been a month since my sire found out that predacon CNA and synthetic Energon can create raw cyber-matter and for a whole month we have been gathering equipment from earth to build something that will help us win the war. 

I was not informed of what exactly we were building but I was only allowed to know so much information about the mission.

I am walking on the dark warship hallways when suddenly I'm roughly pushed to the wall. 

“Ouch… that hurt” I said then heard someone chuckled. 

“Hey, MoonWave” I heard someone said my name.

Immediately I felt my optics wide twice their size when I saw the mech standing in front of me. 

“Lo...Lord… Lord Megatron?” I asked.

My spark was beating a hundred miles per hour. I have been trying to avoid him but it looks like destiny hates me so much. I was also kind of feeling really dizzy from the hit right now.

“What… What could I do for you, Master?” I asked.

“I have been really calm with you, but I want an answer… ” he began.


“What?!” I asked.

“You heard me” he began.

“I… I…” I began but I couldn’t answer.

I didn’t know what to do. I fear for the worst. 

“I’m waiting” he said.

“Uhm… I can't!” I yelled.

I heard him growled.

“Why?” he asked.

Well more like demand me to tell him. 

“Uh… because…” I began but could finish because my world began to spin around. 

The last thing I remember was falling down before blacking out completely. 


I woke up in a medical berth on the med-bay. I immediately sat up with much difficulty.

“Urg… What… What happened?” I asked.

“MoonWave” I heard my name being said.

I turned my helm up and saw Knockout with Megatron.

“Master, Knockout… uh… What happened?” I asked.

“Well, you fainted” Knockout replied.

“Fainted?” I asked. Knockout nodded.

“Knockout, what’s wrong with her?” Megatron asked.

“Mmm... now that she’s awake I could make a full scan of her body and check” Knockout said.

I watched Knockout immediately scan my body with a scanner before walking to a nearby computer. 

We waited for the results but they never came.

“Mmm… this is strange” Knockout said.

“What?” I asked.

“What's going on, Knockout” Megatron asked.

“I don’t know why but for some strange reason the scan is really hard to read” Knockout said.

“What do you mean, Knockout?” Megatron asked.

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