Chapter 13 First Kicks + Soundwave

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MoonWave POV

It’s been another month since I joined the Autobots and everyone now trusts me. I’m five months spark meaning that I only need four months more before I give birth. 

‘Urg… am never having any more sparklings ever again’ I thought.

I looked down at my swollen stomach

I was walking to the main room when I bumped into Wheeljack. 

“Wheeljack?” I asked.

“MoonWave, I was looking for you” he said.

“Huh? Why?” I asked.

“I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on a flight together?” he asked. I raised an eyebrow.

“A flight?” I asked. He nodded.

“You do know that I can’t transform into my predacon form or especially carry someone in my back” I said.

“I didn’t mean that we should go on a flight on your predacon form but my ship” he replied.

“You have a ship?” I asked. He nodded. 

“Then why haven't I seen it?” I asked.

“It got damaged but it's fixed now” he replied.

“So do you want to come with me on a small flight?” he asked.

“Mmm… I don’t know” I began.

“C’mon… you told me that you wanted to go on a flight for a long time but couldn’t” he said taking my servos on his.

“This might help cure some of your anxiety from being out of the sky for a long time even though it’s not going to be equally the same” he replied. 

I immediately stared at him with a raised eyebrow before sighing.

“Fine” I replied.

He smiled before taking me outside. Once outside I saw a small white spaceship outside the base. He immediately guided me inside the small ship.

“C’mon, Dear” he said.

 He sat on the driver’s seat while I sat on the passenger's seat. 

Just then he suddenly took flight making me jumped from the sudden speed of suddenly taking off making me immediately feel anxious.

Wheeljack chuckled at my sudden action of movement making me growled at him.

“Are you scared?” he asked.

“Huh… of course not, it's just that I feel anxious” I replied.

“Come here” he said. 

I looked at him and he motioned for me to come over. I did then was suddenly pushed into a warm embrace. 

“Wheeljack!” I exclaimed.

I immediately blushed a dark blue color. I heard him chuckled before using one of his servos to hold me in a strong and warm embrace while he used the other one to drive the ship.

“I can’t wait to hold our little ones in my arms” Wheeljack said rubbing my middle with his servo that was holding me.

“Me too” I replied resting my helm on his shoulder.

“When are they going to start kicking?” he asked.

“Mmm… they can start kicking any day, but when they start kicking me am going to kick your aft” I said. I heard him chuckle.

The Mutated Predacon (Wheeljack X Mutated Predacon)Where stories live. Discover now