Chapter 2 Wheeljack

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MoonWave POV

“A… A Predacon!” Starscream exclaimed.

“They've… They’ve been extinct since the beginning of Cybertronian history” Starscream said nervously.

“Indeed, but this specimen that you see was bred in my laboratory” Sire said placing a servo on the Predacon’s neck.

“Cloned from fossilized remains which I discovered in Cybertron” Sire explained.

“Shockwave, it does my spark good to see you once again tampering with creation” Megatron said, walking closer to the Predacon.

“Master, please keep your distance” Starscream begged.

“No need to be scared, Starscream. The beast is completely under my Sire’s control” I said, which earned me a glared from the silver Seeker.

The Predacon then lowered his helm down so he could be eye level with Megatron.

“Such primer magnificent” Megatron said.

“A sample of Energon from Wheeljack” Sire said, taking out a container filled with Wheeljack’s Energon.

“Spilled during the Autobot's failed interrogation” Sire said, bringing the container up to the Predacon’s eyes, who immediately scan the container.

“Let the hunt begin” Megatron said with an evil smile.

The Predacon immediately swung his wings up and down. It then took off flying in search for the Autobot Wheeljack. I watched the Predacon's figure disappear in the sky.

“MoonWave” I heard my Sire called me. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned around to look at him.

“Yes, Sire?” I asked.

“It’s there something bothering you, dear?” he asked.

“No, Sire” I replied.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes, Sire. I’m just tired. If you need me I will be taking a short recharge” I said.

“Okay, dear” he said, rubbing the top of my helm making me purred. He then left the throne room with the others.

In reality, I was not planning to go take a short recharge. Instead, I was going to follow the Predacon.


I don’t know.

I just feel this weird feeling inside my spark, telling me to follow the Predacon.

I transformed into my beast mode. I then spread my wings out and took off flying.

‘Hopefully, my Sire won’t call me, while I’m gone’ I thought.


Finally, I caught up with the Predacon. He was already fighting the Autobot Wheeljack. He was also fighting a bulky and green Autobots. I also saw a small organic creature standing down there.

I transformed into my Bi-pedal mode and landed on a mountain to watch the fight.

I watched the Predacon breathe out a large ball of fire at the green and bulky Mech. He ended up being thrown backward.

“Bulkhead!” the organic creature yelled.

“Are you okay?” she asked, running to him.

“Easy! I could be hot to the touch” the green and bulky Mech named Bulkhead said, stopping the organic creature from touching him.

“Why isn’t it coming for us?” the organic creature asked.

I turned around and watched the Predacon looking around for the Autobot Wheeljack. After all, he was his objected, not them.

“You’re looking for me, beast?!” I heard Wheeljack called out, getting the Predacon’s attention.

“I’m right here” Wheeljack said.

The Predacon roared at him. I saw Wheeljack then look at something. I turned to the Predacon’s and saw a bomb. The Predacon look down just as the bomb went off. It didn’t really do much damage but only anger the Predacon.

“We will need more firepower” I heard Bulkhead say.

“Good thing, I know just where to find it” Wheeljack said, before running inside an Energon mine with the Predacon right behind him.

Five minutes later, I heard an engine. A white sports car with green and red came out of the mine. It transformed into the Autobot Wheeljack.

“And the walls came tumbling down” Wheeljack said, before pressing a detonating button, making the whole Energon mine exploded with the Predacon inside.

I heard the organic creature yelled in victory. I rolled my optics.

“It will take more than an Energon mine explosion to take down a Predacon” I said, making both Mechs jump and turned around.

“Who the hell are you?” Wheeljack asked.

“My name doesn’t matter. For the moment, you three have a Predacon to run away from” I said, pointing at the ruins.

Immediately, the Predacon came out of the ruins.

“We are toast” I heard the organic creature comment.

I watch the Predacon lift himself to the sky and got ready to fire but then a Cybertronian spaceship appeared.

“One of ours?” Bulkhead asked.

“Does it matter?” Wheeljack asked before both Mech took off running.

The Predacon roar in anger and fired at the two running Mechs, but it was too late. The spaceship came down, lowering a lift for the running Mechs.

Immediately, the spaceship took off to the sky with an angry Predacon behind them.

I sigh, before transforming into my Beast mode and follow them. I decided to keep my distance.

‘I didn’t want to get between the fire of the Predacon or the spaceship’ I thought.

The Predacon was firing at the spaceship until the tables turned. Now, the spaceship was shooting at the Predacon. Just then, the spaceship then lost sight of the Predacon, who was using the clouds to hide from the spaceship sight. The Predacon then fired at the spaceship.

Whoever was driving the spaceship, tried to dodge the attack, but it still hit one of the boosters. Once again, the Predacon was chasing the spaceship. Finally, the Predacon caught up to the spaceship and was on top of the spaceship.

I watch the spaceship then take a nose dive straight to a canyon. They turned the spaceship and hit it against the canyon wall, trying to get rid of the Predacon. They continued to hit the spaceship on random places in the canyon.

The spaceship then turned upside down. Just as they reached the top of the canyon, the Predacon hit a pointy rock and fell from the spaceship.

Immediately, the spaceship went back to normal and left. I watch the Predacon fall down with rocks falling on top of him. I sigh before deciding to go back to Darkmount.

‘Sire might be looking for me' I thought.

The Mutated Predacon (Wheeljack X Mutated Predacon)Where stories live. Discover now