Chapter 20

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I shut the door. He sounded so familiar. Also, he knew how Niall acts. Something is really fishy here. He must be someone we know. I turned around to look at Niall, who was stuffing pizza in his mouth. By then I would have told him to eat slowly, but I was too absorbed in this person of mystery. I stared deeply into Niall, trying to think if all the people whom he knows and those who knew him. Niall was still eating though, and did not notice me. Paul...Justin Wait. Zayn? No it can't be. He's gone. But that boy sounded EXACTLY like him. He had a little scent of his as well! No, yes. Argh, I'm so confused. It can't be true...

"That pizza boy sounded a little like our friend, didn't he?" Niall snapped me back to reality. He was looking at me now. So he realised.

I nodded, with half my mind still thinking about that pizzaman's appearance. Who was he? I had to know.

"I....Niall I'm gonna go outside for a while." I said, my head still being eaten by these thoughts. He nodded and I went out, closing the door behind me.

My hands in my pockets of my jeans, I bent my head so as to face the ground. I was intensely observing and following a trail of footprints, which were about the size of Zayn's. He can't possibly still be alive....could he? The trail led me a forest full of a greenery of trees. A forest? The footprints led to the inside of the forest. What could possibly be living in it; I don't know. I shrugged and took a breath as I walked in, the footateps leading the way. I had a slight difficulty in seeing the footprints as the undergrowth beneath my feet were in the way. Finally I reached a little green grass patch. Hm. Doesn't look much like a footprint actually. It looks like a shape of a whole body on the patch. I saw a twig just next to the body mould. He must have tripped and fell. Then a continuation of footprints ahead of where I was standing. They went into the really deep part of the forest. I looked back. I wasn't sure if I could manage to get out of this place. I was really far from the entrance. Why would the pizzaman go so far anyway? Was the company on the other side of the forest? I thought twice, and headed back home. I wouldn't say I didn't want to know who he was, I was just a chicken for being scared of not being able to find my way back home.

What if was really Zayn. My only chance of seeing him again. Maybe.


I charged up the stairs. Niall told me to follow him to his room for something, so there I was trailing behind him. We arrived in his room. He sat me down on the bed. His excited expression suddenly dropped. He whipped out his phone. He scrolled up and down until he was satisfied, then showed it to me. They were text messages. " I was bored, so I did this. But I never expected the reply...." he said slowly. I scanned the messages thoroughly. My eyes bulged.

"Niall: Lalalalala

Niall: I'm so bored

Niall: I knw u cnt reply but im bored so yeah

Niall: Le bad boii. We mis u :(

Zayn: I miss you guys too. xx" could Zayn reply when he's.... gone..?


Tell me watcha got to break down the walls~ Addicted to got dynamite. Anyway, this wasn't the exact idea I was thinking. I really forgot most parts. Sorry if this sucked. :( Le cries. TISH ISH A MYSTERY. WHY LE ZAYN IS CREEPING LI AND NI OUT. XD I guess... It shall be le creepy. Haha. Next chap out soon? :)

Till then,

---Sasha xx

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