Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV

The Next Morning

Barry feels something warm against his chest that contrasts with how cold it is. She snuggles further into him and his arm that is loosely around her side, pulls her in closer. Her head fits perfectly under his chin. 'That's weird,' Barry thinks, 'Usually Iris's head juts out against my chin and I have to lean back which usually results in my neck cramping plus she usually likes her own space on the bed.'

Barry's eyes flutter open and he blushes when he sees the beautiful Caitlin Snow in his arms. His mouth forms an 'O' as he realises that she's not Iris and he shouldn't be commenting that she fits perfectly against him. He gently lifts her off of him, careful not to wake her and goes to get himself ready for the day. He brushes his teeth and has a quick shower before going grocery shopping and returning to Caitlin's apartment. He makes a start on breakfast – scrambled eggs, buttered toast, sausages, bacon and baked beans. He also makes homemade waffles and pancakes for something sweet. He puts on a pot of tea and a minty fresh Caitlin Snow walks into her kitchen to find a feast.

"Barry, you didn't have to do all this," Caitlin says but he can see the look of joy on her face and the way she licks her lips. "I wanted to," Barry says, "Besides it's not all for you anyway. I need to keep my energy… I would think as my personal physician you would encourage me eating massive amounts of food." Caitlin rolls her eyes and looks at him with a dead pan expression. "If I were you, I'd hand over the pancakes Mr Allen, you don't want to see me when I don't get what I'm craving." "They're all yours Doctor Snow," He throws his hands up in defeat," I know better than to mess with you." He laughs and she bursts into giggles.

They proceed to eat the feast before them while joking around and having fun. About half an hour later they both head to STAR Labs.

They see Cisco at the computers and Iris standing over him while he works. Cisco looks pretty annoyed and stands up. "You know what? I promised Caitlin coffee!" "You did?" Both Barry and Caitlin ask him and exchange looks of confusion. "I did. Let's go," Cisco says dragging Caitlin out gently by the arm. "No coffee for Caitlin!" Barry shouts after them, "It's not good for the baby!"

He turns around to look at Iris and there's an awkward silence. "You didn't come home last night," Iris says with a raised eyebrow. "Well technically I did," Barry says furrowing his eyebrows, "I came to get clothes." "That's not what I meant and you know it Barry," She presses her lips together tightly. Barry's phone rings. He looks at the caller ID and sees that it's Joe. "Look I need to get to work. Can we talk about this later?" He says and flashes away without waiting for a reply. Iris slams her hands down on the desk and papers fly everywhere. "Great! Just great!" She shouts sarcastically to herself before proceeding to pick up the papers.


Caitlin looks at Cisco with sisterly concern. "Are you okay? You dragged me out of there so fast, I didn't really get a chance to ask?" "Sorry about that," Cisco looks at her apologetically, "I just had to get of there. She's driving me nuts!" "Who?" Caitlin asks confused, "Iris?" "Yes. I mean I know she and Barry are together now and whatever, I'm happy for them but I miss it just being the three slash four of us. I mean I'd rather have Eobard back!" "Oh come on Cisco, she cannot possibly be that bad," Caitlin says trying to defend her.

"Hey you don't have her constantly telling you to do a job that you already know how to do. I mean it wasn't so bad before because it was Wally so she put a lot more focus on him, but since Barry is experienced she keeps trying hovering over me while I'm working. I just figured once Barry was back then Team Flash would be back." "We are back," Caitlin insists, "We just have new members. We have to get used to the idea Cisco. She's who Barry wants."

"Look if he wants her in his personal life that's all well and good, but I need my work space back. I cannot work with someone constantly hovering over me." "Doesn't she have like a job or something?" "She took leave at the newspaper at first to help with Wally and then she just didn't want to go back because the Flash was the only thing she knew how to write about," Cisco rolls his eyes. "Cisco!" Caitlin scolds him but she cannot resist laughing, "That's horrible." "Yeah I know," Cisco sighs, "And I feel bad. But you know how I feel about my work and my space." "Yeah I do," Caitlin sends him a comforting smile.

"So I was thinking that you could talk to Barry?" Cisco asks, looking at Caitlin with puppy dog eyes. "What?" Caitlin asks taken aback, "Me?" "Well yeah," Cisco says, "I mean he can't really get mad at you. You're having his kid." "I'm having Savitar's chid, Cisco. Besides he still wouldn't care about what I have to say." "Savitar is Barry technically," Cisco points out, "Besides do you not see the way his face lights up whenever anyone mentions the baby? Just promise me you'll try to talk to him?" Cisco begs her and looks at her with puppy dog eyes. "Fine I promise to try," Caitlin says already regretting it.

They both head back to STAR Labs and Caitlin takes pity on Cisco by directing Iris's attention towards her so Cisco can work in piece. He looks extremely grateful and mouths a 'thank you' to Caitlin before happily continuing with his work.

Just before they were all about to leave, Barry runs in with a sample for testing. "Sorry I know you guys were planning on leaving but I need to get this sample back to the CCPD before anyone realizes it's gone," Barry says looking apologetically at Caitlin. "It's fine, we can handle it," Iris smiles brightly before Caitlin has a chance to reply. "Actually I think he was talking about Caitlin since she's the geneticist," Cisco points out before grabbing his bag, "So if I'm not needed I promised Gypsy I'd meet her at 8." "It's alright, go ahead man," Barry smiles before winking, "Have fun." As Cisco is walking out he hears Barry and Caitlin shout in unison, "Be safe!"

Author's Note: This was not really edited so PM me if there are any mistakes :)!

Also it's a little short but chapter 4 will be up soon! Leave a review telling me what you think! You can also discuss the story on twitter and find sneak peeks or when I'll be updating on twitter with the hashtag #HalfMine and for Snowbarry fans please encourage the use of the #JusticeForSnowbarry hashtag :)!

Lots Of Love


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