Chapter 15

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CHAPTER 15: Late Arrivals and Team Leaders

3rd Person POV

Caitlin's dreams are filled with Savitar and Frost. She wakes up  happy and content, not the reaction one would expect from dreams about Savitar, but she can't help but smile at the way Frost and Savitar interact. They were so free with each other, no holding back, no overthinking… just being together, just being happy.

No one really knows how deeply Frost and Savitar cared for each other but Caitlin is slowly learning and Barry saw glimpses of it in Caitlin's mind. She opens her eyes and looks up at the gorgeous man whose arms she's in. She sighs as she examines how perfect he is, everything about him is perfect… except one thing.

He isn't hers.

'Guys like him belong with girls like Iris West,' Caitlin thinks to herself sadly, 'Girls like Veronica Lodge.'

Barry stirs and Caitlin quickly closes her eyes and pretends to be asleep. She doesn't want him to know that she spent the last five minutes admiring him. Barry's eyes open and he smiles down at the woman in his arms. A piece of her hair falls onto her face and he gently pushes it aside. Caitlin opens her eyes. Barry blushes and mumbles, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't. I mean of course you did it's not like I was already awake or anything," Caitlin babbles before slowing down, "I mean I woke up because I'm getting hungry." "What do you want for breakfast?"

"I'll just order a delivery from somewhere don't worry about it." Barry fixes her with a stern look before pouting. "You have the fastest delivery service on Earth and you'd choose someone else over me?" Caitlin rolls her eyes, "Fine." Barry grins and she can't help but smile back. "What will it be my lady? Croissants from Paris? Muffins from England? Pasta from Italy? Pancakes from wherever pancakes come from? Name it and it shall be yours."

"Surprise me," Caitlin smiles excitedly. "As you wish," He winks playfully and bows in front of her. Caitlin hops into the shower and then gets ready for the day.

When she returns a large tray is lying on the bed filled with pancakes, waffles, French toast and croissants."

"I also picked up some healthy fruit for the baby," Barry says placing a bowl in front of her as well as a cup, "And I made tea." Caitlin thanks him and they dig in. When they're done, Barry cleans up. Caitlin wipes her lips with a tissue. "You were wrong… Best delivery service in the whole multiverse," She grins at him.

"Is that all I am to you? A means of getting food?" Barry jokes while dramatically faking offence.

"No you're so much more than that," Caitlin smiles at him before walking out of the room and to the main desk were Cisco is waiting with a smirk on his face. Barry doesn't move until Cisco starts talking about a robbery in progress a few minutes later. Luckily he's on call so he doesn't need to clock in at work.

The team fights crime for another three hours with Barry stopping three robberies and a kidnapping with help from Cisco and Ralph. Suddenly Iris bursts into the room panting. "Sorry I'm late! I totally overslept!"

"Late for what?" Ralph asks. "My job duh!" Iris rolls her eyes. "The CCPN hired you back?" Barry asks, about to offer her a congratulatory hug. "No," She huffs, "My job here, managing team Flash and making sure things run smoothly."

"Uhh," Barry scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, "Well everything has been going well today." He shrugs. "Yeah we didn't even notice you weren't here, don't worry about it," Ralph says bluntly. "And this is honestly the most productive day we've had in months," Cisco adds. Iris glares at the two of them. "Well it will be even better now that I'm here," She smirks. "Actually we're okay. Cisco is taking a break and helping Cait to run the comms while Ralph and I are out on the field," Barry says.

"Barry can I talk to you for a minute?" Iris says while gritting her teeth, "In private." "Me and Ralph will do a quick patrol," Cisco offers. Barry and Caitlin look at each other before nodding at Cisco. Ralph and Cisco go off on patrol while Caitlin carries on with her work. Barry and Iris head into the other room.

"What's up?" Barry asks nonchalantly. "What's up is that you need to stop undermining me in front of the team! I'm the team leader now! You can't keep cancelling training sessions and doing whatever you want!"

"Since when are you team leader?" Barry asks shocked.

"Since you went into the speed force. They need me, I'm the one who has been running everything around here! And I bet the team wants me here to run things," She shouts angrily.

"No actually we don't," Ralph interrupts them. "I don't agree on much with Ralph, but on this I do," Harry says. "Amen!" Cisco exclaims, "We're not losing another Wells." "Thanks Ramon," Harry nods towards Cisco.

"Well you know what? Barry wants me here and that's all that matters. I'm going to be his wife so I have every right to be here! I bet he completely agrees with me!"

Barry's eyes fall on Caitlin who is still silent. "And what do you think about all of this?"

"I think you should do whatever makes you happy. We're a team Barry, we're your team and if you want Iris here then we're with you," She pauses before looking at Cisco, Harry and Ralph, "Even if the whole team doesn't think it's for best. We always have your back."

Iris notices the exchange between them and sees red.

"You know what? I'm out of here! Come find me when you're ready to apologize," Iris says to Barry before she storms out.

"Does that mean she won't be coming back?" Ralph whispers to Cisco. "Hopefully," Cisco whispers before crossing his fingers. Cisco smirks in an almost devious manner and looks at Harry and Ralph, "And I can think of a way to speed up the process. Follow me boys we have a plan to put into action!"

Author's Note: So the new story arc will be introduced next chapter and will be helped along by the three musketeers (Ralph, Cisco and Harry) who are all Snowbarry shippers in this story, fear not!

And very importantly, due to requests from reviewers, I will be revealing some information. (Barry and Caitlin don't know yet and won't know for another 10 chapters so you'll have to wait for their reactions but I'm letting you guys in on the secret...)


Drop a review about the tea this chapter ;). (I wanted it to be harsher but let's face it... these are all good guys and would not say the things I want to say lol)

Lots of Love


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