Chapter 7

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3rd Person POV

Suddenly Iris bursts through the doors. "BARRY!" She spots him and intrudes on the moment between him and his father. She drags him into the other room. "Where have you been?" She asks him angrily, "I've been waiting for the past twenty minutes!" "Oh crap with all the excitement, I forgot to call and cancel," He replies running his hand through his hair. "Cancel?" Iris crosses her arms angrily, "Cancel! For what? What could be more important than us?"

"It's the baby's ultrasound today," Barry replies as if it explains everything. "That's supposed to make it better?" She asks angrily. "I'm sick and tired of coming in second place to that thing! I'm supposed to be your wife in a few weeks! I'm supposed to be the most important thing in the world to you! Not some child that isn't even really yours!"

Barry sees red when she refers the baby as a 'thing' that isn't even really his. "Look that is MY child okay, not a thing! I'm going to be there for MY child and you need to accept that if this has any chance of working!"

Iris gets worried as she hears the words leave Barry's mouth. 'Is it possible?' She thinks, 'Would he ever really leave me? No he wouldn't I'm being silly. I'm the love of his life, we're going to get married, the newspaper said so. Besides I'm perfect and he needs me. He wouldn't survive without me. And I can't let him go. If I do, then losing Eddie was for nothing.'

"I-I-I'm sorry I overreacted," She says turning on the waterworks. Barry softens. "I have to go," She runs off thinking that Barry will follow her. He's about to run after when he hears his father shout. "Son come quick! The baby's moving!" Barry looks in the direction Iris ran and then he looks at the door leading to the room with everyone in it.

He makes a choice.

He runs to Caitlin's side and holds her hand as they look at their baby on the ultrasound machine screen.

A few minutes later, after everyone coos at the screen, Henry looks at his son and Caitlin.

"I can print out a picture if you guys would like one," Henry says cordially. He feels awkward after Iris's outburst. Felicity is smiling from ear to ear upon learning that Barry is the father. "Definitely!" Caitlin and Barry reply at the same time.

"Time for cake!" Cisco exclaims ushering everyone into the next room. "There's cake?" Caitlin licks her lips in anticipation. "Felicity brought quite a selection… Everything from chocolate cake to carrot cake to cheesecake," Harry explains. Caitlin practically jumps out of bed and rushed over to the cake, pulling Barry with her because they are still holding hands. "I'll make the tea," Jesse offers and grabs Wally to help her.

"It's a special occasion and I didn't know what you would be craving so I got all the flavours they could make on short notice," Felicity says before hugging Caitlin and then hugging Barry. "I am so happy for you guys! I mean I don't know what's going on between you and Iris but Ollie said you guys were engaged so when I realised you were the father I was surprised, but seeing how happy you guys are together just makes me so happy and I don't think a more perfect pair exists. There was always something special between you two. Oliver totally owes me because I won the bet!"

Barry and Caitlin are still munching happily on their cake. They both offer her as small smile and are about to correct her when she excuses herself to go to the bathroom. Oliver shakes Barry's hand and says, "Congratulations." He hugs Caitlin and Barry's jaw drops at the sight of Oliver willingly initiating a hug.

"Take care of him. He needs you even if he doesn't know it yet," Oliver whispers to Caitlin, "And if you need anything you can always call us. Let me know if I ever need to kick his ass." "Well my money's always on Barry but if his ass needs to be kicked I'm sure I can handle it," Caitlin replies jokingly. "I'm sure you can," Diggle winks jokingly, overhearing the last part of their conversation. Caitlin blushes. "Yeah sometimes these boys really don't know what's good for them and we need to show them," Thea says contributing to the conversation but referring to herself as well.

Barry walks over to them and Henry approaches soon after.

"That's your baby," Henry Allen says proudly as he shows the picture to Barry and Caitlin. "He's perfect," They both say in unison. "Cisco explained that you guys can't go to the hospital because the baby might have metahuman genes, so I'll be sticking around to help and even after with babysitting and stuff. I don't foresee any problems because there's only one metahuman gene between the two of you but we'll run tests to be on the safe side." Caitlin shifts on her feet guiltily but only Cisco notices. He brushed off Caitlin's reaction for now. "I'll start coming up with the baby's superhero names!" He shouts excitedly.

Everyone enjoys some delicious cake and tea.

Afterwards Team Arrow heads back to Star City with the promise of them visiting again soon. Cisco leaves for his date and the QuickWest duo leave for their date with a third wheel known as Harry. Joe and Cecile leave to see their respective daughters and Henry leaves to unpack all his stuff. Barry uses super speed to clean up while Caitlin finishes off a piece of delicious chocolate cake.

Once everything is sparkling clean, Barry returns to the room Caitlin is sitting in. There's a little cream on the side of her mouth. "You got a little something," Barry points out with a small chuckle. Caitlin rubs a spot on the wrong side of her face. "Did I get it?" "I got it," Barry says before grabbing a serviette and wiping the cream off. They stare at each other for a moment. Caitlin breaks eye contact. "Right well I should get home," She says before getting up from her seat. "You're probably tired after today. Let's get home," Barry agrees before picking her up bridal style and running them to her apartment.

Author's Note: Hope you guys enjoyed and let me know if you're ready for the next chapter! It's ready for posting :).

IMPORTANT: Submit your superhero baby names for the poll on twitter. I'll also be putting up other polls and you can use the hashtag #HalfMine to find them. Also go vote now on whether they should have one baby or two and for the gender. You can also submit your vote through your review/comment. I will take these into account when I make my decision.

Lots of Love


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