The beginning of the end (1)

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~Third person P.O.V~

The two wizards decided to stay with the boy, whose name was Era, in the abandoned village. The two figured it would be easier to watch over him and train him here. Jin sighed its been two years since the decision to train Era. They have taught the boy everything that they know about magic and how to control it; they even showed the boy how to unlock the magical power within him, but they couldn't stay here forever they both had lives to get back too. It was an excellent vacation for him and Lina. He looked up from the meal he was cooking and looked over to Lina and Era. She was telling him about the big cities that surrounded the forest. He watched as Era listened to Lina with such amazement. Jin soon finished the food and set it on the table.

"You know you he can come back with us, but we can't watch over him like right now," Jin said as he took his seat taking a bite of the meal he made. Era's eyes light up. "Can I really?" his eyes looked over to Lina who was now eating the food before her. "I guess you can if you're really up for it, but you don't just have to stay in the city we bring you to; you can travel all over the country and hone your skills, train, and learn new magic," Lina said with a soft smile. Era's eyes widened more at the thought of traveling all over the country to learn new magic and mastering it. "Can we leave tomorrow, please?" Era asked excitedly. The other two just nod and continue to eat their dinner. Era calms down enough to eat his as well. After they were finished, they went to pack their things for the trip back. Era finished packing and looked out his window toward the night sky. He woke up the next morning refreshed and excited for the day to come. He looked out the window once more the sun had just barely risen over the horizon. The thought of all that happened over these two years. Era smiled at the thought. Even though the training was difficult, it made him happy to learn and grow closer to mastering the magic Jin and Lina had taught him. He had a long way to go before he had completely mastered it. He has barely even scratched the surface of the possibilities of the magic. While Era was lost in his thoughts, the sun was now a good deal in the sky. He decided that it was time to get dressed and head downstairs. Jin should be done with dinner by now, and Lina should be up. He made his way out of the room. As soon as he stepped foot into the hallway he heard the muffled voices of the two partners "They were attacked it's not safe to go back," Lina said with a sigh. "We can't just leave them! They are our family!"

Jin shouted back. "It's not safe to return with Era!" Lina's voice rose in aggravation. "We have no choice but to leave him and return on our own," Jin said quietly. Era's face scrunched up his mind clouded with the pain of betrayal. He quickly rushed out of the small cottage. He had no idea where he was going he just had to get away. After hours of running, e finally slowed down and stopped. He fell to his knees and screamed. All the pain of the partners' betrayal hit him at once. Tears streamed down his cheeks. After what seemed like hours, his tears dried up. He opened his eyes and gasped a beautiful waterfall laid before his eyes.

He gently touched a petal of one of the pink flowers

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He gently touched a petal of one of the pink flowers. A small smile graced his features. He felt himself relax. They looked toward the sky. The sun was now full in the sky. Era let out a sigh he needed to figure out where to go from here. He sat by the river bank and picked up a flat rock. The turned the stone in his fingers for a moment before throwing it across the river. He heard a slight plink sound and then it was silent once more. He heaved another sigh. He looked down and stared into the crystal clear water. It seemed to be drawing him in. Era leaned closer to the water's edge. He was about to jump in when a soft female voice had snapped him from his thoughts. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Era quickly looks toward the sound. He saw a girl with orangish-brown hair, freckle, and bright green eyes. She was adorned with a choker necklace made of thorny vines, violet roses that rested in her hair, small antlers, a blue butterfly tattoo on her right cheek, and a pure white toga.

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