Era's Journey and destruction (3)

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It has been two years since Era left the Dryad village he is now 15 and 1/2. In that time he met Jin and Lina and apologized to them for running off that day, but that's for another time. He also became a very well known solo wizard for hire he was called the 'Floral Angel' because he helped anyone in need regardless of if they could pay him or not also because of his signature flower crown that the All Mother bestowed upon him. Although he didn't need the money he still took the jobs. He was happy with what he was doing. He was traveling the world, learning new magic, and helping people what more could he want. As he was traveling through the town of Magnolia a frail man ran up to him "You're the Floral Angel! Please you have to help us!" The man cried pleading for his help. Era smiled brightly "Of course how can I help!" The man began to tell Era about  a monstrous beast that was terrorizing the town, and how it only came out at night. Era listened to every detail on the beast that the old man told him. After he finished speaking with the old man he asked around the town for any additional information that he could get. He soon learned that the beast was always attacking from the west, so he assumed that was where it lived. He headed west in search of the beast he had to hurry he doubted that he would find the monsters base before it left at night fall, but he had to try. He has been practicing a new form of magic that involved moving his form to another place. This sounds simple in theory, but he had yet to test it on himself. He has performed this on small objects and living things. Also he didn't know the exact location of the creature, so he had to guess with trail and error which might take longer than on foot. The odds weren't in his favor. After a few seconds of consideration he decided to teleport to the edge of town in the west then use his connection with nature to find the location of the creature. He took a deep breath closing his eyes clearing his head and focused on being at the west edge of town. He shivered feel super light like he was no longer being held down by gravity. He focused more until he felt the ground once again. He opened his eyes and looked down at his body and breathed a sigh of relief; he was all in one piece. First self trial no problems. He seemed to have arrived close to where he wanted to not completely about a minute away. "Well I call this a success." He said as he walked toward the forest. Once he stepped into the forest he felt himself relax and calm down like nothing in the world really mattered but this place, but he knew that wasn't true. He walked over to a large tree placing his hand on the trunk he concentrated of all the living things in the forest searching for anything similar to the description he was given in town. Once he had found what he was looking for he used the tree to connect to an animal to see what it see and hear what it hears. He was high in the tree but he could see everything below. He saw a cave and heard loud growling coming from it. The cry didn't sound menacing, but sounded like the creature was in pain. He wasn't sure if that was really the creature he was hunting, but he couldn't stand by when something was hurt. He took a deep breath and released this connection with the bird. His green eye watered up but he blinked the tears away. He  focused on the location that he just saw and transported there. He felt a bit woozy, but pressed forward and walked into the cave. Once entering he saw a large shadow that seemed to have looked in his direction when he stepped into the cave. A booming voice filled the cave. "Have you come to laugh at my misery human? Have you come to try and finish the job of killing me?" It asked. Era was shocked this was the second time that he met a creature that could speak to him so well. "No actually I don't think you are who I am looking for, but seeing as you are hurt I can't turn my back on you." Era said softly as though to not scare the large beast more. They chuckled and came forward stepping to to the light. Era's eyes widened when he saw what they were. The creature in front of him was a dragon. He has never seen one in person, but he had heard of a kingdom of dragons. "Are you still willing to help me now that you know what I really am?" They asked leaning their head down to meet Era's eye, and without hesitation he answered. "Of course! What kind of person would I be if I took back my offer of helping a hurt creature because of what species they are!" His eyes burned with the compassion for all living things. Sure he hunts down and kills monsters, but he fist makes sure to communicate with them and find out the reason that they do so and depending on that he decides their fate. The dragon laughed. "You are quite the amusing human. I like you. I want to teach you the power of a dragon. I am Stella the Celestial dragon." They were a light blue color, and purples that mix together on their scales.

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