Why klance is dead

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I love them so much 😭 y'all just need to know that.
Ok, klance for a long time, seemed like it was definitely gonna happen in the show. There are a ton of theory's but I think "fictional crystals 'is Lance bi?'" Give the most evidence (it even take into account the color of the background) so a lot of things were supporting klance becoming cannon. You may be asking "if there's all this evidence why would klance be dead?" Well if you don't know yet Shiro has recently been announced as a gay character. Initially, this seems amazing because everyone is thinking "Yay we can actually get LGBTQ+ characters in Voltron" but what they don't realize is gay Shiro is the death of klance. Wondering how? Well I'm glad you asked. If there are essentially 7 main characters (Shiro, Keith, Lance, Hunk, Allura, Pidge and Coran) If klance were to happen that would mean 3/7 of the main characters in the show are gay (I'm saying gay including bisexual too cuz then I don't have to type as many words)
That would also mean that out of the 5 original paladins 3/5 are gay. That would mean 60% Of the paladins are gay. Now I would have absolutely no problem with that, that would actually be super cool if the majority of the characters are gay, but if I'm being realistic, they show producers are not gonna do that. This is a kids show so having one openly gay characters is already a big deal and very controversial. And because we already knew they were going to have a gay main character Shiro has already taken that slot so Keith and Lance aren't gonna become a thing. Im super sad about this because as being a closeted bisexual I was really looking forward to have bi representation and especially in a character I relate to (Lance) but it's not gonna happen. Now honestly I believe the original plan was to make klance cannon but something happened so they just pull gay Shiro straight out of there asses just to make the public happy and distracted so they didn't lose there viewers. And I honestly hope I'm wrong, I really hope they will still have klance. But come August 10 (season 7) Lance and Allura will start to become a thing, Lance will help Shiro threw his  "coming out" and Keith will play fetch with his wolf and be forever alone just like me 😭😭😭  I'm sorry if you just read this and got sad but I needed people to understand that gay Shiro isn't a good thing if you ship anything other then straight ships. I'm sorry 😭

(Plus Shiro and Allura definitely flirted in the beginning of the show but now there saying he's gay, like strictly dickly gay so wtf is up with that?)

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