Chapter 1

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(Written on July 10, 2018. Published on July 20, 2018)

{3rd P.O.V.}

It was a nice beautiful evening and (Y/n) decided to visit her neighbor, Carl. She always loved his wonderful paintings and his android, Markus, though she does feel bad for him doing all the work. Whenever (Y/n) was over at Carl's house, she would let Markus have a break and she would do all the work for him and Carl. Once (Y/n) got to her neighbor's house, she was gonna to ring the doorbell, but it opened by itself and a voice appeared, "Alarm deactivated, welcome (Y/n)."

(Y/n) smiled at the voice and walked in through the door, she decided she wanted to go up towards Carl's room, she always felt Carl as her close father or family member, even though, her real biological family treats her like she's no one, they even sometimes abuse her if (Y/n) does something wrong. As she was about to come upstairs, she already saw Markus and Carl coming down the stairs, she smiled at the two and waves at them.

"Good evening, Mr. Manfred and Markus." (Y/n) greeted to them in a soft voice, "S-sorry for the sudden visit, I just felt like a visit was maybe nesscary." She said, kinda sounding apologetic to Carl. "Evening, (Y/n). I don't mind the visit, I sometimes rather wanna see you than my son, Leo. Also, I've already told you that you can just call me Carl, I don't mind it, really." Carl said as Markus pushed his wheelchair to (Y/n).

(Y/n) hugged Carl, she was lucky it was kinda chilly outside so she can wear her sweater to hide the marks her parents did to her, she even hid her cuts from Carl and Markus. "S-sorry, I'm just use to calling everyone by their last name's and all." She said while her and Carl broke the hug. "Come, come, have you had breakfast yet? Markus will gladly make some for you." Carl offered to (Y/n).

(Y/n) kinda flinched at the offer Carl gave her, she kinda hesitated because whenever she was at her family's house, she would have to work for food. "O-oh! I-I never had breakfast yet..." (Y/n) stuttered a little and tried hiding herself about how she was forced to do work in order for her to get her reward. She wish she can tell at least one person about what was happening in her life, but (Y/n) knew that she would get punished if she told another soul about her family.

Markus noticed (Y/n) kinda flinched, but he brushed it off and wheeled Carl to the kitchen as (Y/n) followed them in. Once Markus placed Carl in his usual spot, he went out to make breakfast for both Carl and (Y/n). "(Y/n), come sit down, you don't always have to be shy." Carl said, (Y/n) kinda just stood there for a couple of seconds and sits next to Carl, she has always been a shy person, because of many reasons. Markus came out with breakfast and placed 2 trays down on the table in front of Carl and (Y/n) and served them both.

Carl picked up his fork and started eating his breakfast, he noticed (Y/n) was staring at her own breakfast as she looked shy or pretty scared picking up her fork. Carl swallowed his food and speaks to (Y/n), "(Y/n), is there something wrong with your breakfast? You better eat it when it's still hot." She sighs and looks up at Carl, "C-Carl... No one has ever... Well, done this to me before..." (Y/n) said nervously as she slowly picked up her fork. Carl was a little confused why she had said that to him, he had nothing to say back to (Y/n). "Well, guess this is the first then..." Carl said as he looks over at Markus, looking a little suspicious about (Y/n) as he kept eating.

Once (Y/n) picked up her fork, she started to take small bites of her eggs and rice (yes I'm Asian and I eat my eggs with rice now fight me), she took a bite out of it and she quickly ate her food fast, but not too fast where Carl and Markus noticed. (Y/n) finished up her breakfast pretty fast, she noticed Carl was looking at her in surprised, (Y/n) felt a little embarrassed, but she felt satisfied with it. Carl chuckles at her, "Well, since you're done, you can do whatever you want while you wait for me. You too Markus, and make sure (Y/n) doesn't do anything bad." He chuckles after he teases (Y/n).

(Y/n) chuckles slightly at Carl as she playfully rolls her eyes, she stood up and decide to walk around the house to explore it more, she kinda forgot that Markus was watching her, in case of something happens he's there. There was a piano and (Y/n) was quite surprised, she wanted to play it, but was kinda shy to sit down and play a song. Carl noticed her eyeing the piano out and smiles, "Go ahead, play something on there, let's see what you have in mind." He said as he was almost done eating his breakfast, (Y/n) was a bit nervous, so she slowly sat down on the chair and placed her hands on the piano keys and took a deep breath as she plays. 

(Play video)

While (Y/n) was playing, Markus and Carl were impressed as they heard the meaningful song that she was playing. Pretty much (Y/n) was kinda explaining what she was going through with her biological family, but tries her best not to make it to obvious. After the female pianist was done playing the piano, Carl and Markus clapped their hands at her, the female was a little nervous when she heard the 2 clap at her hidden talent. After the 3 of them talked for awhile, the old man noticed that (Y/n) was wearing her hoodie for awhile, when he was done eating, the old man wheeled his chair to the female and offered to take her hoodie.

The girl playing the piano flinched a bit and started to get scared, "M-my h-hoodie...? U-uh, n-no thanks, I'm fine h-having it on..." she said while rubbing her neck nervously. The old man in the wheel chair started to get a little suspicious, but he nodded his head at (Y/n). "Alright, whatever you say then."

~Time skip to the studio~

Everyone was outside in the studio, Carl was painting on a new blank canvas as (Y/n) and Markus were watching. Once he was done, he looked at the 2 to see what they think of it, when Carl was placed back the ground, he looked over at Markus and (Y/n). "Well, what do you think?" Carl asked as he glanced at his painting and the 2. Markus places his hand on his chin and thinks about his answer, "It has a meaning behind it and expressed emotions. I like it." Markus said as he removes his hand, Carl then looks at (Y/n) to see what her answer would be, but her of course being shy as usual, she never gave an answer except for a thumbs up with a smile.

The old man handed the paint brush and pallet to the android and told him to paint something, Markus was a little confused as his LED turned yellow then back to blue. "Carl... I don't think I can... It's not in my program..." The android told the old man. "Who cares what your program says, you make your own decisions when you have a chance..." The girl starts mumbling towards the end as she blushed a little and felt embarrassed.

The android's LED flashed yellow for a second, but it went back to blinking blue after hearing what the girl has said to him, he didn't have any words to say, but Markus ended up taking the paint brush and pallet from Carl.

~Time skip after the painting~

After the android opened his eyes, both Carl and (Y/n) were amazed what Markus has created on the blank canvas, the girl smiled at the creation the android has made and complimented him. "Looks like you and Carl should paint together, you both could even own a museum." (Y/n) said as she smiles at them.

As time went by, everyone started to talk story until someone bursts through the door to ruin the party, it was the one person you wished that didn't walked through those doors to the studio.

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