Once Upon A Writer's Block

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Once upon a writer's block is pretty how I can explain this book would be...

Anyways, hi, I'm the author of this book. Just call me by my username or author and before you get to reading, I would like to put some ground rules on this and what you will expect on this book.

▪This book will contain small imagines to short stories on the BNHA characters with [Name].

▪I only write seme male readers since I grew tired trying to find those, only to see 13% in it on the internet while the majority are the female reader inserts. And if I do find male ones, most of the male reader inserts are ukes and/or seke.

▪I do imagines and/or scenarios so don't be afraid to ask for those.

▪I will only write chapters to get out of my writer's block. Please don't expect alot more on this.

▪I absolutely am a shit writer, so please don't have high expectations on this because you will only be dissapointed.

▪I accept request since I need some stuff to write than my crap ideas. But I do not promise that I would write all your request.

▪Updates would neither be fast nor slow. It depends whenever I have writer's block and/or if I have inspiration to write so in here.

▪Do not, and I mean do not be furious at me for not writing your request because I don't fucking care. This shit is suppose to get me out of my writer's block and to relax, not the other way around.

▪I do AUs and "what if's", so go crazy on what I should write. Your imagination are limitless and I want to hear it.

▪I can do NSFW. Gore to intimacy.

▪I would do small drabbles here and there, and small prompts requested or not.

▪Never ask for uke male readers. I can do a dominant uke character but not the reader.

▪Never ask for an update, please. It gives me stress and it practically drains me and dismisses my motivation to write.

▪Criticism is allowed. I would like to know what I'm doing wrong and know how to try improving my mistakes.

▪I constantly edit chapters for fixing the mistake I didn't manage to see when it was a draft, so I do apologize in advance for that.

▪Some parts of this book may or may not contain gore to sexual actions. Please read on your own risk. I am not held responsible on what you read here.

▪I would write some female x male reader but I prefer writing male x male more since there's only a few of those.

▪I write what I see. Meaning, be careful and specific on what you request. I only write what you wanted and add my own input, so don't be mad if I got it wrong.

▪I would gladly write angst if any of you wanted it. From depressive state to one sided love. I would gladly write those.

▪I'm a sucker for fluff, so if requested, I would not hesitate to throw myself to write it. Just remember, not every request would be written.

▪I'm still trying to get the hang on writing NSFW. I can write limes but I do have trouble on writing full on love making.

▪If NSFW is requested, I recommend male x male since I don't know how to write straight love other than fluff.

▪I am fond with reading others ideas, so do not be shy to comment on what you suggest for me to write, because I may write it. I love how creative every person can be so don't hide your amazing ideas.

▪Suggest as much as you want. I'm not stopping you and your creative ideas.

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