Accidental Burns

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Shadow in Quotev

Bakugou Katsuki x Male Reader

My conscience wouldn't leave me alone until I made this asdfghjkl

Enjoy this small fluff with the angry porcupine


A soft groan whine left the [Hair color] haired male lips as he felt his ash blond lover trying to get away from his grip. "But Katsu!" [Name] had whine as he drawled out the "u", shaking his head as looked at the male squirming on his arms. "Leave me alone damn it!" The male on his arms screamed as he tried to break free. This only resulted the [Hair color] haired male to tighten his grip on him. "For fuck sakes! Dumbass stop!" Katsuki shouted as he began to claw on the male's arms, which the other whined about it. "But Katsu~ I just want to cuddle with you!" [Name] had said as he pouted a bit on his lover's, this only got him more curses and threats from the ash blond male.

"Fuck off God damn it! Let me go you stupid fucking cunt or I swear I'll break your fucking arms you fucking piece of shit!" Katsuki had threatened as he tried to get away from the [Hair color] haired male's grip. [Name] awkwardly laughed as he nuzzled his face on the ash blond's neck, effectively making his lover a bit flustered. "That sentence was 90% swear words, Katsu..." [Name] had softly muttered as he affectionately kissed Katsuki's neck which made the said male more flustered.

"S-stop that you asshole!" The ash blond had said as he turned his head to give a quick glare at his [Hair color] haired lover who merely gave him a smile. "You look so adorable when flustered Katsu." This caused the ash blond to blow up with a taint of red on his cheeks. "I AM NOT FUCKING ADORABLE YOU FUCKING SHIT!" Katsuki screamed as he began to squirm and tried to get out of his lover's grip again. [Name] couldn't help but laugh at the ash blond's futile attempts.

"So cute and adorable you are Katsu~" Katsuki heard from his [Hair color] haired lover whichmade him curse the cheeky male out. "Fuck you!" Katsuki shouted as [Name] proceed to nuzzle his head on the ash blond's hair. "I think it's me fucking you Katsu~" The [Hair color] haired male had offhandedly said. Hearing that, Katsuki's face was more redder than ever as he sweated, accidentally using his quirk in the process. "Holy shi--"


Creating a small explosion.

Katsuki was out of his lover's grip but the feeling of freedom was short lived as the ash blond turned around to see his [Hair color] haired lover on the ground with his arms a bit singed from the small explosion he had accidentally made. "Shit! [Name] are you alright?!?" Katsuki had said, red eyes filled with worry as he knelt down beside his lover who was hissing from the pain of his burned arms. Katsuki may have a high ego and sometimes says that he doesnt care about his [Hair color] haired lover, but he actually does.

No matter how [Name] annoys him from being clingy or all lovey dovey. He loves the [Hair color] haired male. That's why he said yes when the [Hair color] haired male asked him out.

"Y-yeah." The [Hair color] haired male had said, a strain in his voice as he gritted his teeth in pain. Trying to sit himself up but having a hard time from having both of his arms injured. The ash blond male noticed his distress and had helped him out while saying curses. "I-I'll be fine Katsu." He said as he saw the ash blond started to curse him out. "God damn it! Why can't you be more careful?!? This is why you get hurt all the fucking time you asshole!!!" Katsuki said as he inspected his burned arm, the [Hair color] haired male raising a brow from amusement.

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