I Am Damaged

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Midoriya Izuku x Male Reader

I'm being a nice guy so here's an update on this crappy book.

Also, please don't mind the other "update" later as I'm just going to fix the mistakes in the last chapter.

Sorry for the inconvenience but those spelling errors has been haunting me...


Izuku sighed as he trudged each step he took along the stairs to go to school's rooftop to meet up with his only friend in Aldera Junior High. '[Name]-san was really mysterious when he asked me to meet him at the rooftop after classes.' The green haired thought as he remembered the other male did not attend classes for the past few days too.

After awhile of walking up the stairs, the green haired saw the familiar metal door that was leading to the rooftop. Izuku quickened his pace a bit, but not that much to cause him to slip.

Well, he almost slipped but he manage to grab the stairs' railing to balance himself. A relieved sigh left his lips as he shuddered the thought of falling down the stairs if he did not managed to catch himself.

'I-I need to be careful...' The green haired male thought as he sweated a bit. His hands was already back to gripping the yellow colored strap of his bag. Getting to the door, Izuku opened it and quickly went outside the school to be at the rooftop. He scanned the area to find the [Hair color] haired male.

His lips formed a large smile to see his friend there in his casual attire. He was about to shout the [Hair color] haired male's name until he found himself he can't. A large lump on his throat blocking the [Hair color] haired male's name from coming out.

Izuku would have been happy to see the other male until his green colored eyes saw where the [Hair color] haired male was. Izuku's eyes stared at the scene in front of him in horror. His iris' shrunk as he looked at the back of the male. [Name] was only gripping the steel bar of the school's railing with both of his hands, body tilting forward that only one slip can make the [Hair color] haired male drop to his impending death.

Izuku's lips quivered as he was frozen. His feet stuck to the floor as he shook in fear. His yellow colored bag was already on the ground, forgotten, as he just stared at the back of the [Hair color] haired male. [Name] seemed to noticed his presence as he tilted his head to the side, giving Izuku a sided glance as he then look back at the scene bellow him again. Not minding his friend shaking in fear for his well being.

"[Na]... [N-Name]-san...?" Izuku managed to stuttered out as he look at the said male. [Name] only look below him, not even responding when Izuku called him out again. Eyes threatening to let the tears fall down as Izuku trembly clutched the material of the front of his black colored uniform. "P-please..."

"Izuku-kun," The said male just looked at his friend. His body still trembling as he did not know why the male would be in a dangerous situation. The green haired male was about to tell [Name] not to do what he think he is doing when [Name] finally said something again. But the male's words did not relieved the green haired boy's scared behavior.

"I am damaged. Far to damaged," The [Hair color] haired muttered but Izuku still managed to hear it. He tried to think this was just a nightmare. His body continue to tremble but he finally found himself moving again. Each step he took, desperate to get closer to his friend until [Name] looked at him again, a narrowed look on his face as he side glace Izuku that made him paused in getting near him. "but you're not beyond repair..."

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