Prompt List

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Decided to make my own and here we are now. Feel free to request a prompt and character~


1. "I swear I though it was a good idea..."

2. "Tell me why am I doing this with you again?"

3. "Sorry but I didn't remember asking for your opinion."

4. "I haven't sleep for like 38 hours."

5. "I don't think that's healthy..."

6. "Have you seen this dumbass?" *holds a photo of __*

7. "I swear to all your fucking playboy magazines that I will slap you, __."

8. "No. No you can't have that!"

9. "But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

10. "For goodness sake, __! It's because it's for a kid and your a fucking 28 years old adult!"

11. "I didn't think that would actually work..."

12. "Have a little more faith in me, __!"

13. "Faith? Hell no dumbass! Now look at the damn road!"

14. "Everytime I see her/his/their face, I feel like throwing up."

15. "I feel like that burrito is slowly coming back again."

16. "Hey, I got th-- oh my God-- CAN'T YOU ATLEAST PUT SOME PANTS ON?!? JEEZ!!!"

17. "Admit it, you love me."

18. "Beg. I feel powerful."

19. "Your so God damn stupid!"

20. "No. Regrets."

21. "If it wasn't for both my hands broken, I would've punched you by now."

22. "Listen up asshole! I've been inlove with you for awhile now and it's about time you fucking know it!"

23. "I... I didn't expect this... Like... At all..."

24. "Is this your final form of stupidity or are there more?"

25. "Probably should have went for the blue one, huh?"

26. "Can't you just man up and ask her/him/them out?"

27. "You don't just ask that fine piece of art out, __!"

28. "I seriously doubt that but go ahead."

29. "Wish I had the patience to not fucking punch you right now."

30. "You have beautiful eyes... You know that?"

31. "I... I thought I loved you..."

32. "What about us?"

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