the one where they met (prologue)

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"Good morning! what can I get for you?" the blue eyed boy said cheerfully.

"A large caramel frappe, please?" the curly haired lad replied.

"Anything else?" the boy said and smiled.

"Your number maybe?" the 6 foot lad cheekily grinned.

"Sorry?" the boy can't decide if he was amused OR bemused.

"Sorry, sorry. I was too forward. let me introduce myself. I'm Harry Styles but you can call me daddy- i mean Harry" Harry said chuckling.

"Listen here Harry, I may be small but i can kick you in the balls if I wanted too" the smo- small boy said. "Now, go take your order and leave me alone" the boy shoved the tall lad's frappe in his hands.

"woah, feisty! i like it" Harry said and turned then started to walk away but not before saying "You're gonna be mine one day, Louis" he winked.

"Wha- How'd you know my name?!" Louis shouted after Harry, making the other customers turn to look at him. Louis turned red, embarrassed.

"name tag, baby" were the last words Harry said before the bell door in the cafe clinked.

was that good? it was just me trying to spice things up which i think did not work idk.  -

also isn't louis so cute on that picture fuuuuck

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