chapter 8

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enjoy to the 20 readers who still reads this book. i appreciate you xx

also, i have a lot of memes so from now on, I'll add one each chapter. don't @ me

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Maybe Louis' over reacting. Maybe he isn't. But he was just really hurt that Harry didn't show up.

Zayn left a few hours ago, stating that he'll be back by tomorrow.

Louis checked the time and saw that it was now 10pm. He was really tired from all the crying he'd done and so for comfort, he watched Disney movies and ate ice cream from his fridge. It's flavors were chocolate and strawberry. Thank God. He really would've had a breakdown if it were anything else.

And then suddenly, there was someone knocking on his door, disturbing his Louis time. He ignored it since he was in the middle of pitying himself.

The knocks got louder but still Louis ignored them. He tried to cover the knocks by making the sound of his TV higher.

"Open up, L! I know you're there. Your telly's so loud, God damn" A deep voice said that Louis' sure it's him but he didn't want to get his hopes up. He didn't show up earlier, why show up now?

"Okay, okay! Jesus!" Louis grumbled, walking with his blanket around him. His tub of ice cream on his hands with the spoon on his mouth. It was an adorable sight. Well, minus the red eyes from crying.

Louis opens the door and it was a sight. A sight that he had wanted to see, just a few hours ago.

I knew it.

"Oh. It's you." Louis said, the spoon almost falling from his mouth.

"Yeah, hey, Lou." Harry responded sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What do you want?" Louis said, averting his eyes away from the eyes of the green eyed boy. "Look, I'm sorry, baby. Please, let me in to explain?" Harry said.

Louis thinks and stares at Harry for a minute, tilting his head. Harry stands there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"Okay." Louis said, making space for Harry and opening the door more.

"Thank you, baby." Harry said going to Louis' height to kiss him on the cheek but was met with a hand on his lips.

"Explain first, mister." Louis said sternly.

"Yes, ma'am." Harry mocked salute, trying to lighten up the mood.

They went to the living room, Louis sitting on the recliner while Harry on the love seat. They faced each other.

"Go on" Louis says, making a motion for him to explain.

"Louis, I'm sorry that I stood you up but my sister Gemma, just had her baby. She went into labor and all that." Harry explains, flailing his arms around.

Oh. Harry did mention his sister. He also told him that she was pregnant and that he can't wait to be an uncle.

"That's reasonable but why didn't you answer my texts and call? You didn't even bother to tell me." Louis says softly.

"My phone died while I was going to the hospital and in the midst of all the panicking and excitement I forgot about you. When all the excitement died down I realized, then decided that I'd still show up on our meeting place but you weren't there but still worth the shot, yeah?" Harry answered. "Then I went here and here we are." Harry smiles, ever so slightly.

"Forgive me, baby?" Harry says, standing up and walking towards Louis, taking his hands between his larger ones.

"No." Louis said making Harry frown. "Unless you buy me more ice cream and let me meet your new family member." Louis continues, smiling.

Harry beams, wide enough that Louis thinks it can possibly rip his face in half.

"Of course, however many you want and whichever flavor you want!" Harry says, happy about their situation.

"Yay!!" Louis flungs himself to Harry. He missed him. Even in the few hours that they were away from each other, he still missed him.

"Want to stay over?" Louis asks Harry. "Would that be okay, love?" Harry makes sure that Louis' okay with this. Louis deserves the world. "Wouldn't have asked if I wasn't, would I?" Louis says cheekily. "So sassy." Harry replied.

And from there, Louis' night went from drastic to spectacular, amazing and phenomenal.


"I'm really sorry about what happened, Lou. I'll promise to make it up to you." Harry says as they were cuddling on Louis' bed, Louis almost asleep.

"It's okay, Haz. I told you already." Louis said, he was about to fall asleep.

"Okay, love." Pulling Louis closer to his chest.

"Goodnight, baby." Harry said, making sure Louis' asleep. "Sweet dreams." Harry whispered into a sleeping Louis' head, immediately falling asleep after.


Louis woke up feeling warm and a body draped all over him.

He opened his eyes and saw Harry snoring with his mouth open. Louis thought it was cute.

He snuggled further into the warm body beside him, closing his eyes once more. A few moments later, he was being peppered with kisses by Harry.

"Harryyyyy" Louis drawls, putting his blanket above his head.

"Louiiiisss" Harry mocks him, pulling the blanket away from his head and replacing it with his body.

"mffp" Louis says as Harry lays on top of Louis, pulling him close to his chest.

"You're so warm, bub."

"Get off me, you giant!" Louis says, trying to push Harry away but fails miserably.

"I'm not a giant, you're just small." Harry says, kisaing Louis' head. Louis could almost feel the man smirking. Idiot.

"'m not." Louis says, giving up on trying to push Harry away. (okay i cant concentrate it took me like 5 mins to write this one line, im listening to only angel whatta bop)

"That's okay. It's cute that you think you're big when I could fit you in my back pocket, bub." Harry says making Louis huff.

"Bub, huh?" Louis says, trying to change the subject. He did not want to talk about how he's small this early in the morning.

"Yes, bub. Isn't it cute?" Harry says, now getting up from the warmth that is Louis. And also the bed. But Louis' warmerand he likes him more. "And also, can I use your kitchen, love? I can make us breakfast." Harry asks, then pecks Louis' lips.

"A CEO and a chef. Impressive, Harold." Louis says cheekily, watching Harry fix his shirt and the pajamas Louis borrowed him. They were the biggest he had and still, they fall a few inches above Harry's ankles.

"Of course, dear. Only for you." Harry says as he winks and finally left the room leaving Louis there gushing over and thrashing around his bed because of how cute his kind-of-a-boyfriend was.


"This tastes amazing, Haz!" Louis exclaims, saying that he might just hire Harry to be his personal chef.

"Thank you, bub." Harry smiles, looking at Louis fondly. "I might have took some lessons." He winks.

"You have to teach me how to cook these eggs! they're heavenly!" Louis exclaims yet again. Harry rolls his eyes this time, going in front of Louis, who was sitting on the counter and wrapping his arms around his waist.

Harry just pecks his cheek.


ayeeeeee. i did say this book was fluff and not drama, yeah?

ty for reading!

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