chapter 11

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louis : so, love

harry : mhm

louis : LOVE

harry : yes, i read that correctly, dear. you can stop saying it now.

louis : so you love me?

Louis' phone suddenly vibrates and the sound of his ring tone fills his bedroom.

Harry is calling him.

He gulps, does the sign of the cross and accepts the call.

"I love you, lou." Harry says immediately after Louis accepts the call. "I- wow-" Louis stutters through his words, not knowing what to say. "And I know that we've just been dating for a couple of months but I can't imagine a life without you, Louis." Harry continues.

On the other line, Louis is shocked, stunned, you name it. But in a good way.

"Lou?" Harry says, getting nervous thinking he scared Louis off due to the silence. Harry's voice brings Louis back to reality.

"i love you too, Harold." And it feels good to say that, Louis realizes.

"would you please stop calling me that, Lewis." It's more of a demand than a request but it's okay because things are back to normal.

Louis chuckles. "silly boy. you know i won't. i love pissing you off and i love youuuuuu!he states.

"Yes, I know." Harry sighs, but Louis can hear the fond through his voice. "You're not gonna stop saying it now, are you?" Harry asks.

"Which part, the Harold or the L word? because I'll keep on saying both of it because i love youuuuuu!" Louis practically sqeals.

"I love you too, baby" Harry says, adoration drippin on his voice.

"I love you more"

"I love you most"

"I love you the-"

"and! before you can interrupt me" Harry exclaims, effectively cutting Louis off. He hears an annoyed 'hmp' on the other side. "We're going on a date." Harry continues.

"okay, whatever you say, boss." Harry can practically feel Louis rolling his eyes.

"Okay. I'll pick you up at 6:30 later in the evening. Sounds good?"

"Sounds good."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The call ends.


and the book is done! im sorry i have to end it, i just hadn't had the inspiration to write but at least it was a good ending! thanks to all the people who read. i appreciate and love you!

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