chapter 7

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i suck i know but how long has it been since i updated? I don't really know. but anyway here it isssss. vote and comment.


Who the fuck is that?

Is the first thought Harry thinks as he enters the café, seeing Louis hug and kiss someone on the cheek. Louis lets go of him and laughs as the guy says something, throwing his head back.

Harry decides not to disturb them and finds a spot. Unfortunately, Louis sees him. He said something to the guy and went up to Harry after.

"Hey, Haz." Louis smiles at him.

"Hey, Lou." Harry smiles back. Even though he's jealous right now, he can't help but be enchanted by this boy's beauty.

"Come and meet my cousin." Louis says happily, reaching for Harry's hands.


"Oh." Harry's relieved on the inside. He shouldn't have doubted his sweet, sweet, Louis.

"Yeah, he's visiting town for a week. He said he needed to get away from his home for a while so here he is." Louis rambles happily.

"Yeah, love? You seem happy for him to be here." Harry states.

"Oh, I am. He was like my best friend when we were younger. Like your favourite cousin. You get the point." Louis explains.

Harry hums.

"Hey, Chelster?" Louis says, getting his cousins attention.

"Hey, Lou- well what do we have here?"

"This is the guy I'm dating that I told you about." Louis says, blushing.

"Oh. So this is the famous Harry?" Chelster replied.

"The one and only." Harry grinned as he puts his arm around Louis' waist.

"Well, nice to meet you, mate." Chelster says as he reaches his hand for a handshake.

"You too." Harry accepts the handshake.

"Don't break my favorite cousin Louis' heart and all that." Chelster winked but hardens his grip on Harry's hand.

"Of course." Harry grips, just as hard.

Chelster retreats his hand.

"Well, then lads, I've got to go. Need to meet people and visit places." He turns to Louis and says "Take care, boobear. I'll see you soon." Louis blushes then hugs him. "You too, Che." And the pair watch as Chelster leaves with a cuppa on his left hand and his bag on the other.

"Well, that was interesting."

"How and why interesting?"

"I don't know. I just met a member of your extended family! Isn't that big?" Harry exaggerates. "And boobear! boobear!"

"It's a family nickname." Louis says, blushing.

"It's really cute. Like you."

"You're so silly, Harold." Louis says as he pinches Harry's cheek.

"Ouch, Loueh!" Harry pouts.

"Aw, wittle baby." Louis says then kisses Harry's cheek. "There all better." He then pats his cheeks.

Harry pouts his lips, asking for a peck on the lips.

"No, Haz. I gotta go back to work. They don't pay me to flirt with you, you know."

"But I can buy this place if I wanted to. Stay here and just kiss me all day." He pouts.

"Honestly, you're like a child." Louis says but is utterly smitten for this boy. So he pecks his lips.

Louis go backs to work with the view of a pouting, grumpy Harry.


"So, Louis," Harry starts a conversation while they were walking, hand in hand. Harry decided that he would walk Louis home since the weather was nice today.

"I was thinking, for our next date, I want you to plan what to do." This statement makes Louis' head turn to Harry.


"Yep. I want you to feel that I'm taking you seriously and that you also have a say on our relationship. It's not just me and it's not just you. It's the both of us. I want us both to feel comfortable and happy with what's going on between us, yeah?"

"Okay." Louis beams. He absolutely chose the right guy. He thanks whatever Gods are in heaven that they decided he deserved such a person.

They arrived on Louis' apartment.

"I'll call you later. Okay, Lou?"

"Okay, Hazza."

"I lo-" Harry coughs. Nope. Too early. Stupid soulmate shit.

"What were you saying?" Louis asks.

"Nothing. Goodnight, Louis. Call you later." Harry says quickly, walking away from Louis' door. He gets his phone to dial his driver because no way was he walking home this time of night.

"Okay, H. Be safe." Louis calls out then slowly shuts his apartment door.


"Do I look okay, Z?" Louis asks frantically, looking for help at his best friend.

"You always do, L. Why're you so worried about today anyway?" Zayn asks as he flops down Louis' bed.

"I'm going on another date with Harry, Zaynie and I want to look nice!" came Louis' reply.

"Your outfit is great, Lou and you look great so I think it's great!"

"Great isn't enough! I want spectacular, amazing, phenomenal!" Louis says as he stomps his foot.

"You're so extra, Lou." Zayn says as he rolls his eyes.

"I'm kidding, Z. But do I really look nice?"

"You do, Lou. Now go meet your lover boy." Zayn smiles as he walks Louis to the door.

"Thanks, Z. Lock up when you leave with the key I gave you!" Louis' fine with Zayn crashing. They've been friends since forever. He trusts him.


Louis waits and waits and waits.

He's positive he told Harry the right place and right time and so he waits for an hour. And that hour turned into another. Louis' disappointed. He got stood up. He decided to text Harry for an explanation.

L: if you didn't want to see me again, you should've just told me instead of making me wait for 2 hours.

L: What you really aren't going to reply?

Louis calls him but the green eyed boy wasn't picking up.

L: Fine. Have a nice life, Harry. I really thought you were different. You made me feel special. But I guess I didn't make you feel the same way.

Louis walks home that night, heartbroken.


"Hey, Lou, What's-" Zayn stopped talking after he heard a sniffle coming from the other end. "Are you crying, love?" He hears a whimper. "I'm on my way."


"I got stood up by Harry, Z."

"Oh, babes. Don't cry." Zayn says as he hugs his best friend.

"I really thought he was the one. He made me feel butterflies on my stomach and so so giddy and happy." Louis whimpers sadly and hugs Zayn tighter. "It's why I'm so upset."

"It's gonna be okay, babes. It's gonna be okay."


you didn't expect that did you? you expected fluff, rainbows and all nice things but i gave you a little drama. life isn't fair and no love is perfect , babes. this book also needed drama so here ya go . hope you enjoyed thooooo

for people that might say Louis' being dramatic and all, he was upset , vulnerable , maybe. that's why his reaction was like that. it was in the heat of the moment

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