The truth part 3

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As Dick woke up, he sat on the backseat of a car. He was tied up. Next to him was a man and on the otherside a woman. He looked at them confused  ,,what are you doing with me?,, asked dick frightened. ,,We just fulfill our plan,,  said the man, while looking out of the window. ,,you will find out soon,, said the woman. Dick looked down and thought about a plan to escape. Bruce had trained him for situations like that, but he couldnt clearly remember, because of the sleeping gas. The man seemed to noticed that Dick was planning to escape. ,,There is no way out little boy,, said the man and gives dick a shot with a formula to make him sleep. Dick fell asleep and they drove to an old warehouse. They locked Dick into a room and smirked. ,,Now we finally can we end our plan,, said the Woman. ,,Yea who thought, the boy could get kidnapped?,, asked the man. They takes a phone and called Bruce Wayne, as he picked up said the man ,,We got your Son Wayne, give us 5 Million dollars or you get your son back. Piece by piece. You have time till midnight. We meet at the Gotham Park,, he hangs up and looks at the Woman. ,,This is the best pan we ever had,, she said. ,,Yea it was great that you and Bruce know and secretly carried his baby, just that you fake your death and we can kidnapped him after while to get money,, explained the man proudly. They laughed and looked at the clock ,,we should get ready to get the money,, said the man. ,,No you wont,, said a voice behind them and as they turned around, was there Batman. They tried to run away, but Batman caiught them in a net. He unlocks the door and saw his little bird tied up and and asleep. He heard the police arrived and dissapeard with dick. As he arrived in the Batcave he untied dick and lays him in his bed. 

*Next Day*

Dick wakes up and saw he was again in his room in Wayne Manor. He looked to his side and saw Bruce looking at him ,, Morning Dickie,, said Bruce smiling. Dick just looked at him. ,,Let me explain now why you wasnt with me....When you was a few months old, we were in the park and and...your stoller was gone..we coulndt find you...Im so sorry Dick,, explained Bruce and Dicks hugs him ,,Im sorry i ran away,, Bruce rubs dicks back  ,,is ok little bird,,

A/N: Hope you liked this 3 part charpter and should i continue this book and write abou dick growning up?

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