Wraiths and Purple Flames

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It's a bit of a to-do, figuring out how to get everyone to Oxford. In the end Penny goes to her mum who let's us use the family van. She has it parked over by the garages that the Mage used to use as headquarters for his men.

We try to get her to come with us, but she says she's going to stay to defend Watford, if it becomes necessary. I guess she's not too crazy about working directly with the Grimms. She tries to get Penny to stay with her, but I think she knows her daughter too well to imagine she's going to win that fight, and she doesn't insist too hard.

Baz is determined to take Ebb's mother in his car. Which means taking Ebb. Which means taking Johnny Depp, the gwythaint. Baz makes a face when he finds that out. Penny finds an old blanket hidden under a bunch of empty water bottles and crisp packets in the back of her mum's van and Ebb spreads it out in the front seat of the jaguar and settles Johnny Depp. She and her mum get into the back of Baz's car.

I grab Baz by the elbow as he's getting in.

"I should go with you as well," I say, looking at him meaningfully. He just gives me an annoyed look in return.

"No," he says. "Why? Go away, Simon."

"In case something happens. We may need to work together. You may need my power."

"I'll be fine. I've got Ebb. She's practically a nuclear reactor. She won't let anything happen to her mother. Or that blasted bird."

"I'd feel better if I was with you."

"Go with Penny and the others. I'll see you at my parents' house."

I bend to kiss him and he pushes me away. "It's over," he says.

"No it isn't," I say.

"It has to be," he says, looking at me steadily. And for the first time, I start to think he really means it, that this isn't just some stupid funk I'm going to have to wait out.

"How come you get to decide?" I say.

"Because I'm the one who's being practical!"

"It's not fair!"

"It's not fair? Really Snow? That's the best you can come up with?"

"Call me Simon!"

"Listen, Snow, you just think that you can get your way by saying it loud enough or often enough, because you're Simon Snow and you always get your way. But it doesn't work like that with me!"

"Call me Simon, dammit!"

"How about Chosen One? Do you prefer Chosen One?" he says, and I see the cruel glint in his eye. "Or how about Mage's Heir? How does Mage's Heir sound?"

"Fuck you, Baz!" I say, suddenly furious. I turn and start stomping away.

I only get a couple of feet when I sense a dark object in the sky above me. For a moment I think Baz is actually cursing me, but then he shouts "Look out!" and grabs my arm to pull me down. I feel a sudden chill, coming from above. There's something up, there, like a bird, but massive, and darker than the dark night.

"Crowley!" says Baz and he grips my arm more tightly. Johnny Depp is beating his beak and wings against the glass window of the car, trying to get out.

The dark object is gone as suddenly as it came. We straighten and watch it fly away into the night. Baz lets go of my arm and brushes himself off.

"You all right?" he murmurs. He won't look at me.

"Yeah," I say "You?"

"Fine," he says. "Corking."

"What was that thing?"

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