Dear Heathers, please be more chill

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Jeremy walked towards his usual table, making sure to be cautious of any bullies that caused him to knock down his tray. The rest of the SQUAD was already there and was talking wildly, but strangely his player one was no where in sight. He scanned the cafeteria along with the table as he sat down, but Michael and his signature red hoodie weren't on the scene.

"What's up Jeremy?" Jenna asked, not looking up from her phone

Slightly startled Jeremy turned to her "Um-Uh-yeah-have-have you seen Michael anywhere?"

Like lightning Jenna looked up and down before returning to her phone

"He's definitely not here," she started before pausing "Now that you mention it Christine isn't either-"

Just as Jeremy was about to answer the cafeteria doors burst open and all the chatter stopped. Rich whistled from the table and began chuckling. Other people laughed or clapped along. When what had caused the commotion came to the table Jenna immediately hit record on her phone, smirking mischievously.

"You look good in a skirt Michael" Chloe commented, studying the boy's attire

Michael giggled and spun around, "Thanks" he said in an airy voice, giving her a small finger wave before tuning to his frozen boyfriend.

Jeremy sat there with his mouth agape, the edges turned up into a slight smile. "Mi-Michael?!" He shrieked

Michael laughed and threw back his head "No silly! Heather Chandler!" He exclaimed

Michael wore a red long sleeved vest with gold buttons and gold chains. A plaid skirt and black socks with red and white diamonds on them, along with black pumps that were killing his feet and a red scrunchie. Of course he didn't complain and instead grabbed Jeremy's jaw, pulling him closer. Jenna could be heard whistling in the distance.

"Like what you see?" Michael growled, licking his lips

Jeremy was frozen in place, a dumbfounded smile on his face as he nodded ecstatically. The filipino laughed and kissed him on the spot, not paying any attention to the noise around them. When they parted Jeremy was sweating profusely, a smile never leaving his face.

A loud blast of music made Michael's attention dart back to reality. Quickly he straightened his skirt and got into position in the middle of the lunch room.

"BANG BANG BITCHES!!" Shouted another voice from the entrance making everyone ooh at the stranger

The stranger's hair matched their long black trenchcoat, black pants, grey shirt and combat boots. Sipping an electric blue slushee Christine made her entrance, striking a pose right next to Michael.

The SQUIP SQUAD stared in disbelief as the two circled each other and gave the other death stares.

"The school has a no edgelord rule" Michael spat out making Christine roll her eyes

"Seems like they have an open door policy for assholes!" She shouted, getting a cheer from the crowd

Michael squinted at her and out his hand angrily on his hip.

"Are they-?" Jenna whispered right before

"ARE WE GONNA HAVE A PROBLEM?!" Michael sang out, his voice ringing through and silencing everyone


"Rich! Calm down!!"

"Eff you Brooke I live for Heathers!" The shorter boy exclaimed

Michael circled Christine with a smirk on his face. He spun around, people whistling as his skirt flew up, before he struck a pose.

"YOU GOT A BONE TO PICK?!" He sang before spinning around Christine "You've come so far why now are you pulling in my DICK?!"

———————-*Play song Heere, just imagine Michael doing everything Heather C does in the video with Veronica being Christine. Oh also Rich and Jenna join in, Rich is Heather Mc and Jenna is Heather D*———————-———————-

The cafeteria was stunned in silence as the trio stood in their glory, Christine slowly clapping on the floor as she got up.

"That was impressive" she said sarcastically

Michael flipped his hair back and sashayed over "You bet your sorry ass it was" he remarked

Christine smirked and spun around him, her trench coat spinning as she did so. "But you know-" she started picking her slushee up from the ground as another music started to play

"I've been through ten high schools, they start to get blurry, no point planning roots cause I'm gone in a hurry-"

———————*A video of what I think this sounds like, heere: really not much happens other than Christine is rocking as J.D..*—————————————————-———————-———

Jenna whooped as soon as the song was over, along with her was a grand round of applause. The two performers laughed and took their bows,

"If you liked what you saw-" Michael began

"Come audition and support our very own production of 'Heathers'!!" Christine finished, throwing her slushee into the air


A mindless one shot after a full week of not updating. An actual chapter coming soon. Keep it Classy!~🌼Goldi🌼

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Thanks  Starchronicles

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