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"Lois." He yelled as I did the countdown in my head.

I gave a smile of content when I heard the opening of windows and angry voices of the impatient mortals in the bus urging me to hurry which was quite impossible.

I wasn't really slow but I loved taking my time which was really absurd to some people. (The ones in the bus)

"Baba I'm coming."I slipped into my navy blue skirt. The old man in orange top and baggy trousers gave a long sigh and got into the bus.

Grabbing my school bag, i shoved random books into it because my time table was missing all cause my brother decided he wanted to help me arrange my stuffs.

3 minutes later, I was walking out of my door, going down the stairs and it was like every door I passed, eyes were boring holes into the back of my head for getting them up early. It was like a daily routine.

I wake up late, delay everyone in the bus and get to answer a lot of questions and receive a ton of speeches and guidelines which was not even necessary on how to hurry.

But that was just me; I was being me, myself. I stepped into the bus, waiting for it, but I heard nothing.

Lucky me.

Normally once I came late, they all give in a piece of their mind or yell at me but today seemed rather different.

They didn't say anything and that could only mean one thing.

They were late also so their guilt was probably eating them up.

It actually made me smile to realise that I had friends with an alive conscience.

Trying to make small talk because the bus was eerily quiet I asked,

"Who watched Monday night raw yesterday?" I dropped my bag on the seat nearest to me and turned backwards to face them.

I rested my chin on my arm that was on the edge of the chair, smiling waiting patiently for an answer but I was simply ignored.

"Are you people deaf?"

I was trying to annoy them into talking to me and as expected I received a reply, except it wasn't Lois friendly. "Do us all a favour and shut up."


My eyes flicked to the one and only tofu. I grinned; happy I had gotten the attention of my light skinned friend.

She turned back to the book she was reading and I pulled out my socks I managed to grab on my way to the bus.

"See now there is hold-up. Because of you they'll be flogging somebody." Eliza frowned, moving her eyes vertically at me.

I gave her a puzzled look and she shook her head rolling her eyes at me. "All this art students ehn.. See."

She diverted her eyes outside and turned back to me.

"Oh" I nodded giving her the I'm sorry face.

There was a serious traffic jam just before the entrance of our school.

"Goat." She hissed. I gave her an irritated face and she laughed, her head bobbing up and down; going in every way possible.

"See her face." She managed to say in between laughs.

"Seriously you don't know what you looked like." I finally got the attention of the last person on my list;


She was actually nice but so bossy. She ordered people around like they were her minions or something which was in a way, cool and annoying.

And sometimes I still wonder how we were cousins or how we were even related in the first place.

I sighed when I saw the navy blue gate in view. Sometimes I wished school wasn't in existence at all and we all were just smart all of a sudden.

It wasn't the same thought for some other kids especially the ones going to private schools.

Or the ones whose fathers or mothers were military, born and bred in navy town, and in their veins ran the military blood enabling them to call we civilians 'bloody'.

The guts of them.

I shuddered when the bus pulled into the front of the bus stop where, as always people were waiting for free rides from the bus drivers delivering children, or just random strangers who come to drop off their kids.

The bus stop was a blue roofed stuff, with a long cemented kind of navy blue bench with two walls at each side holding the roof.

It was a place where everything happened; it was a mini hotel, a home to all evil.

Everything could possibly happen there, from the fights to the gossip to harassing of innocent bystanders. I avoided there at all cost, like it was some Ebola infested building.

Coming down from the bus, Anna and Eliza were on talking terms with me as we contributed on what happened on WWE.

When at last we stepped into the mini prison called our school, I had to hold back tears. Okay, Just kidding but seriously...

"Stop there."A short dark naval staff called as we walked into the school.

We heard the bell go off and the parade commander yell orders to the whole assembly, commanding them to sing the national anthem.

Those who cared sang it and the others just shut their mouth or did something to while away the 1 minute dedicated to the nation's anthem.

As we finished saying the pledge, the short dark skinned man walked to the gate and pulled it open for us, he was smiling as he pulled the dark blue gate open.

"Form a straight line." He said as we all shuffled to be in one single line.

"Good." He rubbed his palms together the smile I'm sure everyone would want to slap off still plastered on his fat face.

"What should we issue these ones sir?" He walked up to a tall naval police and pulled out his cap which was a shapeless dark blue beret.

"You know you're late right?" the naval police shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Yes sir."We all answered as he nodded "so........should I change this parade?"

"No." Yes

My voice was almost the loudest when I got the threat look from the 3 witches which I happened to delay in the morning.

"Now dash." He laughed as we ran into each other everyone trying to run before he could change his mind.

I couldn't help but smile as I stepped into the arts world, which was at the other end of the school and it gave me a reason of why I was in school.

So........guys how'd it go well.....I'm so nervous now! Don't be silent please.

Thank you.

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