Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Late nights

Your Pov
We released from the group hug, some with tears in their eyes and others with smiles on their faces. Me on the other hand, had a shocked expression on my face, I realised something.
"Taehyung!" I shouted, they all got shocked at my sudden screaming.
"Your eyes! Your eyes weren't blue, they were different, they were like mine and Namjoon's! They were glowing red, just like the first time I met you!" I could see the eyes grow on each one of them as they all stared at me and Taehyung.
"It's not possible, I'm not an alfa" he said in shock and looked at his hyungs.
"What? What's going on?" Jungkook said and tried his best to hide his excitement.
"Tae, did you kill someone?" Jin asked coldly.
"Of course not hyung!" he said back innocently
"Why didn't you tell us that his eyes were red before?" Namjoon asked me with a bit of annoyance in his voice.
"I'm sorry, I forgot, it was so much going on and I couldn't think clearly. I still can't" I said trying to make them understand me.
"We understand" Jimin said in a calm voice, I smiled as I locked eyes with him.
"Guys, I know this is a big thing but another thing hit me. How am I going to tell my brother about this? That my parents, you know. And that I'm no longer, well that I'm different?" I asked confused, not having a clue about how I'm going to face my brother after the mess I've went trough.
"Do you have a brother?" Taehyung asked shocked.
"Well after what she said it's obvious she has one you idiot" Suga answered
"Let me talk to him" Namjoon said, smirking.
"What? What are you going to say?" I asked looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah, what are you going to say?" Taehyung asked and rested his hands on his hips looking like a boss.
"What's his number?" He asked me, ignoring my question.
"I won't give it until you tell me what you're going to say" I said back to him
"Fine, I was going to tell him to come to the park and then show him, not just tell him"
"And do you think it would be better to hear it from you or me?" I asked hitting him playfully on the shoulder.
"Also, he doesn't live here, he lives in America, he is studying abroad there and probably won't be able to come until the summer break. There are still two weeks left" I extended my sentence.
"Well, then I guess we have to wait, he needs to be here if we're going to tell him" Jimin said leaving Namjoon with his mouth open just about to say the same thing.
"Okay, then we will save that topic to later. First, I need to check Taehyung" Jin said as he looked at Tae and gave him a sign to follow him.
I was left with Namjoon, Jimin, J-Hope, Suga and Jungkook.

"Y/N, I found this new game on my phone that can be played by two, would you like to try?" Jungkook asked me and showed me his phone.
"Sure, why not?" I said happily.
"I'll join as well" Jimin said sitting in the middle of me and Jungkook on the comfortable couch. We all played the game for about 30 minutes until we heard Namjoon call for dinner.
"Did you cook?" Jungkook asked curiously as he looked at his hyung.
"Yes. I read one of Jin hyung's recipes"
We all had dinner together and to be honest, it actually tasted pretty good. It was spaghetti with tomato sauce and chicken.
"It's delicious" I said, smiling to Namjoon.
"Happy to hear that" he said back as we all continued to chat. I noticed both Tae and Jimin looking at me quite often, I didn't mind it much and continued eating.


I turned in my bed and couldn't resist thinking about them, my parents. I smiled the rest of the day but never forgot the fact that I can't see them for a long time again, if I can. I stood up from my bed and walked out of the guest room towards the balcony that was connected to the living room. I stared at the dark night sky and the small dots, the stars.

I got mesmerized by the view and closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, remembering my parents

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I got mesmerized by the view and closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, remembering my parents. A tear fell down from my left eye, I tried to hold in the coming tears but failed miserably. I couldn't hold my feelings back any longer and let it all out. I cried quietly since I didn't want to wake up anyone, I didn't want to brake down. I opened my eyes and saw someone in the corner of my right eye. I turned my head and was shocked to see Jimin standing there. I quickly wiped my tears away and cleared my throat.
"Jimin, I didn't know you were here. Can't sleep?" I looked at him, he observed the stars and seemed to be bothered.
"It's hard to sleep when my feelings are killing me" he said to me, kind of hiding the reason.
"I'm here for the same reason" I stared at the sky. I suddenly felt a warm hand on mine.
"Y/N, I know that it's hard, especially since he took them both at the same time and it was very unexpected. Just know that, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, mine is reserved for you and only you" he said looking right into my eyes, they were full of emotion and I could see pain behind his smile.
"Thank you Jimin, I really need it. I can't help but think about them, it's all my fault. I should've-" he cut me off and I broke down to tears, crying my heart out. He wrapped his arms around me making me feel protected.
"It's not your fault. None of this is, you are so pure Y/N, fragile like glass. I'm scared you will brake in my arms soon. But you have to stay strong. I will go trough this with you, I am here for you" his kind words made me feel better and I cried in his chest as the wind made my hair blow. He released me from the hug and looked at me, wiping my tears away.
"You'll be fine, it's okay not to be okay"
"Thank you Jimin, I already feel a tiny bit better" I said and gave him a small but genuine smile.
"I'm gonna go to sleep now, wake me up if you need me" he said and walked into the living room. Just as Jimin left, I saw Taehyung coming out from the kitchen with a frustrated look on his angelic face.
"Tae" I said, knowing exactly why he looked at me that way.
"I guess you don't need me" he said walking into the living room and stopping just a meter from me.
"No Tae, I need you"
"You know I like you" he said back, I could hear him being all broken and emotional under the deep voice that he used as cover.
"Tae, I'm sorry. You know I like you as well. Jimin is just my friend, he cares because I'm not feeling well"
"I guess you don't need me to care anymore then, you have Jimin's shoulder to cry on, it's reserved for you." He said with a rude tone. Ok, I like Tae, but this pissed me off.
"Taehyung. Listen carefully to me now. If you expect me to say sorry again then don't because it's not happening. I went trough hell this week and you know it, I lost my parents to some stupid shitty werewolf, I became a werewolf, my brother doesn't have any clue and now you're here arguing with me about someone who took care of me. I don't have time for any of this, if your ass is jealous then wipe it off cause I'm not gonna stand here like a stupid helpless girl begging for your forgiveness" I said and looked at him with a serious look on my face. I am a girl that stands up for myself and I know that he wasn't treating me right at the moment.
He just stood there, with his mouth wide open and not having any clue of what to say. I could feel tears forming in my eyes and I hated it, I don't want to seem desperate for help.
"I'm upstairs in the guest room" I said and wiped my tears away. I was about to walk away but he stopped me. He held my wrist tightly and made me face him.
"I'm sorry for hurting you more" he said and hugged me with his strong arms.
"I have a place to show you, put on something warm and be here in five" he said and kissed my forehead, his actions and words shocked me. Another adventure with Kim Taehyung.

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