Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Drowning in nightmares

I heard their voices in the background as I saw them walking around the body in front of me. As I stared at the empty space and my thoughts traveled to another universe, I felt strong arms picking me up. It didn't even bother me, I just cried and looked at my hands as I remembered what I just did.
"Schh, everything is going to be alright" I heard a calm voice say. I heard water running and felt the strong arms letting me go.
"Take a bath, it'll be nice to relax" he said but I didn't respond.
"Oh god, please don't kill me after this" he said and took off my clothes except my underwear and carried me again, placing me in the bathtub.
"I promise, I didn't look too much" I heard the voice again. It was Jimin.

"Take a bath, calm down

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"Take a bath, calm down. He is fine" he said and leaved the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Without even knowing, I fell asleep trying escape all my problems.

-An hour later-
"Y/N, are you there?"
"Is she fine?"
"Dude, she almost killed someone, I don't think she is well"
The voices kept on talking as I just got deeper and deeper in the water, letting it block my ears. I breathed calmly and just ignored everything. I closed my eyes and smelled the scent of the soaps.
I am not sleeping, but I am not awake either. I am not dead, but I am not alive either. I am not here, but I'm not absent either.
Suddenly, I was in an open field with lots of flowers and in the far distance, I saw two people. The sky was blue and grass was green. The people were wearing white clothing and had pale faces. But they each had a red spot in their clothing, like blood. I walked towards them and they waved to me. I walked faster and eventually ran as I saw who they were, my parents.
"Mom! Dad! I've missed you so much!" I said and just as I was about to hug them, my hands went right trough them.
"What?" I mumbled and tried touching my mothers face, but my hand just went right trough her.
"What is this? Mom! Dad!" I screamed as I felt tears forming in my eyes.
"We came to say hello" my father said.
"We're sorry we never told you Y/N, we never knew how to" my mom said, looking at me with her beautiful eyes.
"Told me what?" I asked and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Call your aunt, she knows more" she continued and they slowly faded away.
"We love you, Y/N" my father said and with that, they faded away.
"Mom, dad! No! Don't go! No!" I screamed.
"NO!" I screamed and flew up from the water, taking a deep breath. I looked around and saw the familiar bathroom. The door slammed open and I saw the faces that I've missed. I cried and panicked more as I realized that my dream was a sign. They're gone. I hugged my knees and covered my face.
"They're gone!" I screamed and breathed heavily as the tears fell. Taehyung covered my body from the other guys and wrapped a towel around me. He helped me up and hugged me for a moment.
"I had a dream" I mumbled, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

-Moments later-
Jin braided my hair and I saw my face in the mirror, I looked so tired and dead. I looked crushed.
Suddenly, Jin started singing. His voice was so beautiful and he had amazing vocals (he is singing awake). I closed my eyes and memories from my childhood flashed. Those times when we would go to the supermarkets, when my mom would tell me to throw the trash, when I would help my dad with the computer, those simple everyday things were the ones that meant the most. I would always take them for granted and not think too much about it, but now, they're the ones I cherish the most. A tear rolled down from my left eye but I wiped it away quickly.

"Y/N!" My mom shouted as she was washing the dishes in the kitchen, the sunset was clear from the window and I hurried up from my bed to her.
"Yes?" I sad and entered the kitchen, almost falling since it was slippery on the floor.
"Honey, could you please throw the trash?" She asked, still focused on cleaning the plates.
"Sure" I said and took it from my mom as I went out from our apartment and made my way towards the trashcan. I saw the children playing outside and couples walking hand in hand. I turned around back to my way home and saw my friend outside, I ran towards her and talked for a while.
"He asked me out!" She squealed and we jumped around looking like fools.
"I knew that he would, I told you! He likes you" I said to my best friend as I hugged her, I'm so happy for her.
"I need to go back home now but we can talk later, see you girl!" I said and walked back home.
-End of flashback-

Jin finished singing and placed his hands on my shoulders.
"He will get what he deserves" and with that he left me in the room and Namjoon entered. I told him about my dream and about my aunt.
"I'm sorry about dragging you into this" he said and looked down feeling embarrassed and guilty.
"It's my fault" he continued.
"As a leader, I shouldn't have let you join, I should've let you live your life" he said.
"No" I interrupted him.
"None of this is your fault, I chose this myself. I could've left whenever I wanted but never did. I was the one to make this happen" I continued and smiled. He hugged me and then left me alone in my bedroom. I stared at the ceiling as I thought about parents. And just as I did, another thing hit me, my aunt. I sat back up and I dialed my aunt, she answered quickly.
"Y/N! It's been a while since we talked" she said happily and I answered
"Yes, it has. I would like to meet you tomorrow if you have time, and your son as well" I said, straight to the point.
"Oh, I guess your parents already told you, how are they doing by the way?" Shoot, she doesn't know.
"That's what I want to talk about" I said and she agreed. Great, that's fixed. I sighed heavily and thought about what tomorrow would bring me.

A/N: Thanks for reading this crappy book and making this far, now let's finish off with some nice pictures of the seven men who brought us to our deathbeds

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