Chapter 27: Cuts and Bruised Egos Pt. 1

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6:00 am

Northport Medical Center

We arrived at the hospital at 6 am sharp. Elise had been unusually quiet, and her natural vibrancy was slightly dimmed. I know she was nervous about the surgery, I was too. However, I knew that I had to be strong for her. Her mom and sister came to town last night. Mama Ava and my mom set up the downstairs guest room for Elise. They figured the stairs would be a challenge for Elise and her stubbornness would have her trying to ascend and descend them on her own. To avoid the obvious, they felt moving us downstairs would be the best option.

When we arrived, they informed us that they were already behind schedule so it would probably be another thirty minutes to an hour before they would call her back. The five of us took a seat in the waiting room. Elise pulled her hoodie tightly over her head and rested her head on my shoulder. I rubbed the back of her left hand soothingly while Mama Ava rubbed the right side while humming a soft melody. I peered down at my beautiful wife. I guess she could feel me looking at her because she lifted her head up giving me a small side. I gave her a gentle peck on the forehead that I allowed to linger.

"Everything's going to be okay baby," I said kissing her once more.

"I know," Elise replied above a slight whisper. You could hear the tiredness in her voice. She barely slept last night. She just kept tossing, turning, and praying.

7:15 am

"Elise Tate," a nurse called an hour later. We all got up and walked towards her.

"Once she gets dressed, and we have her setup, we will call you all back," the perky Caucasian nurse with the pale blue and yellow scrubs adorned with a flower arrangement on the top said. Elise gripped my hand, and I gave her a small squeeze back to let her know everything would be okay. She handed her bookbag to her Mom and then turned on her heels to follow the nurse.

7:35 am

Twenty minutes later we were called back to her waiting room. She was propped up in bed intently watching something on the news. As we were coming in, so was Dr. Anneise.

"Hey family," she spoke looking across the room at us, and everyone gave her a greeting in return. Then she made her way over to Elise.

"Hey there Elise! How are you feeling this morning," she queried while checking the vitals machine and then pulling the clipboard from the bottom of Elise's bed.

" I'm okay, a little nervous," she spoke wearily. You could feel the suffocation of the anxiousness in the room.

" No need hun. This is a fairly simple procedure which should be over in an hour at max, and then if all goes well you could be going home today," Dr. Anneise spoke confidently patting Elise's legs for good measure. Just as she finished, the door open and another doctor walked in.

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