Chapter 6: Interview

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~ 5 months later~

Maddie POV

I was sitting in me and Princeton's room thinking about tonight. It was me and Princeton's 3 year anniversary! I wonder what he is going to do. But I had to wait. He was going to be doing mb stuff all day! Boo! He was going into a inteweiw today so I was going to watch it live. I turned on the tv and saw mb.

??: ok so have you found your #1 girl yet?

Ray roc and Ej quickly say no. Lies I thought. I waited for Prince to answer he was going to say no but he stopped and thought

Prince: yea I'd found her.

??: so tell us about this girl!?

Prince: well her name is Maddie and she beautiful smart confident has lots of swag and definely a rocker chick!

??: seems like a keeper.

Prince: yea today is actually our 3 year anniversary. So I'm very excited for that.

??: congrats to you and Maddie!

Did prince just say that on national tv! OMG what does his fans think. I went to Instagram and looked at what people were saying. Most of the were good but some were a little shaky. I was so happy prince just said we are dating! Well I guess he had to say sooner or later. I guess he choose sooner and I'm glad he did!


Aww wasn't that cute!

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